By Nicholas Contompasis
Did you know that our First Lady Michelle Obama lost her law license back in 1993? Oh sure I knew that, “NOT.” Sure, I saw this on the front page of the New York Times during the elections of 2008, “NOT.” I've listed below from the State of Illinois’s website of the court action against Michelle forcing her to give up her license. It’s understood that in the box attacked below under Malpractice Insurance – “No malpractice report required as attorney is under court order inactive status.”
In other words Michelle was under court order to give up her license and is not allowed to practice law in Illinois, period. I hate to use this word but its “rumored” that she was extorting clients. Again, it’s “rumored!” It’s also “rumored” that our President Barack Obama may have been disciplined for not divulging other names that he has used in the past. That really concerns me. He also has an inactive Illinois license to practice law (listed below).
This is so unfortunate for the Obama’s, after all they are our first family and he is the first black/white President of the United States but I can’t stop thinking that this guy and his wife are not who they say they are. They don’t seem to uphold the integrity of our past first families, yes, even Richard Nixon for all you lefties out there.
The more I find on the Obamas, the more I feel that the FBI when doing their background check must have been sleeping at the switch. My research is finding reputable sources disclosing many of their past discretion's and questionable acquaintances.
Obamas background is questionable enough but do we now have to worry about his wife, also? My god do we have a den of thieves living in the White House?
If you want to check yourself, here is the link and just search under “Obama.” Bingo!
This was taken from the Illinois Law website two years ago - Since than they have altered the court order portion most likely since this article was posted.
ARDC Individual Attorney Record of Public Registration and Public Disciplinary and Disability Information as of December 31, 2009 at 1:23:34 PM:
Full Licensed Name:
Michelle Obama
Full Former name(s):
Michelle Lavaughn Robinson
Date of Admission as Lawyer by Illinois Supreme Court:
May 12, 1989
Registered Business Address:
Not available online
Registered Business Phone:
Not available online
Illinois Registration Status:
Voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law
Malpractice Insurance: (Current as of date of registration;consult attorney for further information)
No malpractice report required as attorney is on court ordered inactive status.
Public Record of Discipline and Pending Proceedings:
ARDC Individual Attorney Record of Public Registration and Public Disciplinary and Disability Information as of December 31, 2009 at 1:23:34 PM:
Full Licensed Name:
Barack Hussein Obama
Full Former name(s):
Date of Admission as Lawyer by Illinois Supreme Court:
December 17, 1991
Registered Business Address:
Not available online
Registered Business Phone:
Not available online
Illinois Registration Status:
Voluntarily retired and not authorized to practice law
Malpractice Insurance: (Current as of date of registration;consult attorney for further information)
No malpractice report required as attorney is retired.
I wanted to include this comment taken from Atlas Shrugs blog site. It's quite revealing. LINK http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2008/12/wtf-michelle-ob.html
In case readers are wondering....in 1992 Michelle Obama was still an active member of illinois bar but had left sidley austin law firm to go work for mayor daley YES that Mayor Daley in Chicago-she worked as Daleys "assistant" for a year and a half-(that term drives me nuts but that is how it is listed on her BIO--she was his "assistant..." thats a FACT!now what does a harvard trained 'assistant" do for the most corrupt mayor and city gov in america...???after working in 1992 for Daley...in 1993 she assumed a role in some community organziing venture called PUBLIC ALLIES (another community organizer in the family?)my smell test tells me as Daleys assistant...she was not always doing something kosher...and in 1992 she was still member of the bar...perhaps after her dealings with him and for him...she was CAUGHT doing some shenigans...and was put on court ordered inactive status later in 1993--after the issue was brought to the ADRC attention.seriously, it is not a far stretch of the imagination to wonder if MO was working for Daley in 1992 and her license went on COURT ORDERED INACTIVE STATUS soon after her connection and work with him...that she is not guilty of SOMETHING unethical (which is all it needs) or worse...she did something illegal.
NEW UPDATE 9/30/11
The Manning Report at www.atlah.org
is an expose by a black preacher of the obamas. He says Michelle was forced to give up her license
($394,000 missing from Cook County
Hospital where she worked) in exchange for no criminal sentencing. He also says the male obama is a fraud.
WHY do you people think 'obama' sealed all his Illinois state bar exam results and records of what he did while he was in Illinois???????????????Can you get some reality??????????
And why do you think he has spent MILLIONS of dollars sealing ALL records???Please open your eyes and wake up America? Or do you really want a communist muslim destroying your country?"
The above is what I read on the net more then a year ago..
She's an angry black woman with an ax to grind.
“”For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.” — Michelle Obama
“Some individuals may place the highest value on benefiting themselves or their families. Others may value their occupational fields most highly. Others may place God before everything else. In still other instances, one’s motivation to benefit either the U.S. society, the non-White races of the world or the human species…”
“…there is no doubt in my mind that as a member of the Black community I was somehow obligated to this community and would utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit this community first and foremost.” - Michelle Obama
And what's really scary is that her husband, who I am sure shares her same values, is the President of the United States.
Hey Michelle, do we get any credit for the Civil War and all the lives sacrificed on your behalf?
I think this just means they opted not to renew their licenses. You have to re-take the exam every few years & they just didn't take it (or failed! ha). I'm not sure, no attorney, nor am I a fan of the Obamas but I think this was just them quitting to become community organizers.
Not true. This is a court ordered resignation as an attorney. One could say that about Baracks license based on what is presented. NOT MICHELL'S LICENSE. She broke a law big time.
The bar is a grueling exam. Trust me, it is taken once only in the state you practice law. If you relocate to another state, you may have to take it again, or some portion of it.
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.
I know some attorneys at Sidley who said Michelle didn't pass the bar exam her first time out either.
So who is going to hold the Democrats accountable for their agent? Why is NO ONE being responsible? I guess we are indeed the irresponsible, not me, society!!!!! IMHO if he and she are not whom they say they are then their "parents" should be held accountable for putting the whole country where it is right now. After all was it not the job of the party to pick the BEST candidate for the job?
Is there a true red white and blue patriot in this great country that can help her with traitors.
It appears that she filed for voluntary inactive status and this was approved by the court. I am going to be filing for the same status in another state where I will no longer be practicing law. It is common to take voluntary inactive status when you are in positions such as Human Resources Management or political positions.
Yes, that was my first thought until I dug deeper. There is more to this. Frankly it's become to confusing to explain what happened on a comment board. It has to do with a change in the law and the number of the law. I wiil get a link tomorrow when I have time.
She was forced to give it up you can count on that.
Ugg, gave up reading after the first few lines. Do you know what? Why doesn't everyone in the USA stop pulling your country apart with the insane views and opinions. Your country is falling apart, the opinion of you around the world is a disgrace and with all the in-fighting it is no wonder. Whether or not you like the Obamas they are your representatives around the world and at home and you should pull behind them. Grow up America and put your effort into making your country stronger not weaker. You embarrass yourself.
To the last comment. It's obvious your not an American. Because if you were you'd know that we've always been this way. That's why we are still the remaining superpower in the world and your not.
Americans will straighten this out, we always do. Don't you worry your pretty little head about us.
We really are different from you.
To the last comment, actually I am an American.It is those types of views that just proves my point of why you are the way you are. Oh and if "it has always been that way" is not good enough. America is insular, arrogant and naive. It is a Superpower but by default, it has money. It hardly is leading by example. America behaviour is childish and is the equivalant to the school bully. If America wants to earn the right to remain on top it needs to lead by example and support eachother, not drag yourself down.
Oh, and I am white, middle class, finacially sound, married with a Univerisity Degree. Before that too comes into question.
University degree...
That says enough. Hope you didn't major in (Keynsian) economics. You probably think we can spend our way out of this depression like the rest of the O-Bots.
They are both a disgrace to this country. Can't wait for Nancy and Harry to leave Congress. Who will be his "Leader" then? They both make me ill, but especially Michelle. Wasn't she proud of our country when our young men and women were dying in wars that allowed us to remain the land of the free?
To "actually I am an American" UGG, should we stand behind our representatives sorta like they stood behind Hitler before they realized who he really was? You Ass!
has a picture of the ARDC form. In one column it says: Illinios Registration status: Voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law,
the next line is Malpractice Ins.: No malpractice report required as attorney is court ordered inactive status.
then right under that it says: Public Record of Discipline and Pending Proceedings: NONE
One line contradicts 2 lines. So which is correct?
James Grogan, deputy administrator and chief counsel for the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois, or ARDC, has been with the commission for 30 years. He told WND that on July 1, 1994, the Illinois Supreme Court entered an order allowing Michelle to be transferred to inactive status pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court rule 770.
The ARDC website explains, "Prior to November 1, 1999, former Supreme Court Rule 770 provided for a proceeding in the Court for any voluntary transfer to inactive status, whether because of some incapacitating condition or solely as a matter of the lawyer's preference because the lawyer would not be practicing law."
Grogan explained, "At the time, the only way to go on inactive status was to do what she did – which was to file a petition in the Illinois Supreme Court."
I hope that info clears up this hoax. Why do ppl insist on believing what they are told by someone who doesn't verify facts before posting a story. It took me 2 mins to find the truth today. Yet you posted this story a month ago and have yet posted the true story.
Its really nice how you posted two items that say something different to what you say:
Illinois Registration Status:
Voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law
Public Record of Discipline and Pending Proceedings:
Why was she not Disciplined if she extorted money from her clients. Its not like she or her husband were anything special in 1993. He was teaching at the University of Chicago Law School. So are you claiming she got special treatment and they covered up her so called extortion charges because her husband was a teacher?
Nice try but no cigar. When the republicans take control of congress in November and investigate Obama and his thugs the truth will come out. Many will go to jail. "THAT'S THE CHICAGO WAY."
Also, did you ever wonder why Obamas licenses drop wasn't court ordered and Michelle's was?
By the way the vast majority of Americans just don't like Michelle Obama and never will.
Yeah, hers was done in 1993 before the changes took place and his was done after 2004, AFTER the changes took place. Not hard to read the dates, use my mind and understand that. Maybe you should contact James Grogan and have him explain it to you. Since its HIS job to know.
http://www.iardc.org/rulesSCT.html#Rule 770
Effective April 1, 2004, former Rule 771 ("Types of Discipline") was renumbered as Rule 770 and new Rule 771 ("Finality of Orders and Effective Date of Discipline") was adopted.
You also failed to answer my question..
Why was she not Disciplined if she extorted money from her clients?
It states plainly on the form that there were no discipline actions against her....: Public Record of Discipline and Pending Proceedings: NONE
Its not like she or her husband were anything special in 1993. He was teaching at the University of Chicago Law School. So are you claiming she got special treatment and they covered up her so called extortion charges because her husband was a teacher?
Matter of fact you didn't address any of the things I wrote. What, have no rebuttal to the truth? All you did was rant about a big investigation that will never take place. Looks like all your doing is feeding a conspiracy that never existed.
Provide FACTS to support your claim. Words off someone elses blog are not verifiable FACTS.
I provided FACTS to support mine..
You also failed to read the Name of the Commission properly: Attorney Registration and Discipline Commission. MEANING they Have records on ALL Attorneys registered with them not just Discipline records.
As I recall, B. Hussein lost his law license because he lied about his alias's. In fact, when asked by the Illinois Bar association, if he had ever used another name, (Soetoro) he swore that he had not used any other names.
How come the part that says "Voluntary Inactive" is not in larger bold print?
...or conversely, the offense took place at Sidley Austin and Michelle's law license was automatically suspended until Bar hearings were concluded... as i recall, the complained of conduct occurred at Sidley Austin... and they sure do not want it known what occurred there...
Right-wingers continue to drink the radical right Kool-Aide...how silly, naive, and narrow-minded you all are!
This tripe that travels the internet through chain emails seems mostly to be anti-left, anti-Obama and I might add anti-common sense. I'll say one thing...you people play dirty!
Please, foolish people...check the facts before you hit the "forward" button.
The Manning Report at www.atlah.org
is an expose by a black preacher of the obamas. He says Michelle was forced to give up her license
($394,000 missing from Cook County
Hospital where she worked) in exchange for no criminal sentencing. He also says the male obama is a fraud.
WHY do you people think 'obama' sealed all his Illinois state bar exam results and records of what he did while he was in Illinois???????????????Can you get some reality??????????
And why do you think he has spent MILLIONS of dollars sealing ALL records???Please open your eyes and wake up America? Or do you really want a communist muslim destroying your country?
Isn't she being paid something like $52,000 per month to be Barack Obama's personal attorney (the only First Lady in history to take a salary as First Lady). How can she be his personal attorney at such a tidy sum of money if she lost her license? Surely they wouldn't be scamming 'the Man' - HE IS 'THE MAN'.
look at all Obama's change and hope did , they are muslums trying to ruin our country , not surprised by this artical Obama has the balls to threaten social security that you paid into ...but still giving a free ride to illigals BECAUSE he is one!!!!
There is so much unethical actions, corruptness, and crime with the Obamas' - I am amazed, disgusted, mad as hell, that these people haven't been marched off our country land long ago! What the h e LL is the problem?!! We have a cowardice congress who won't do a thing about it. Enough with Obama being covered by the corrupt jusice department! All I can see is The People going to DC and grabbing them out of the White House ourselves.
It is the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARDC) that reports her malpractice insurance status as “No malpractice report required as attorney is on court ordered inactive status.”
The ARDC is an agency of the Supreme Court of Illinois (not the Illinois Bar) which investigates attorney malpractice complaints. The inactive status is court ordered—it is not the result of a voluntary request by Michelle Obama (who had failed to pass the bar on her first attempt, by the way).
The reason for the court’s suspension of the license has of course not been made public. But I'll bet it's juicy!
Some people are just trash! It has nothing to do with race - it is all about what you do or not do in your life that leads you down a smelly path at every turn. His life is nothing but a lie from one story to another - and she is no better since she is with him. Isn't love grand? FBI didn't mess up on this - they were told to ignore it! Friends with Hilliary - the original WH Marxist - is anyone surprised!
I sure hope that everything is nailed down in the WHITE HOUSE or she and her husband will be having a yard sale not very long after the loose the re election bid! What a bitch to hide it from the public like that.
It doesn't make much sense to spend all those years in school to become a lawyer, take the bar exam, then voluntarily give up that license just four years later, at the ripe old age of 29, does it? Something about this is just not right.
If She simply gave up her law licence because she was not practicing law, the NY Times would have been making sure we knewthe story. And someone was asking "Why was she not Disciplined if she extorted money from her clients. Its not like she or her husband were anything special in 1993. He was teaching at the University of Chicago Law School. So are you claiming she got special treatment and they covered up her so called extortion charges because her husband was a teacher?" Possibly because she was the most corrupt mayor in the history of the world's "assistant"? Yep....I would think so.
She has beeen angery every time that she is on t v even when she is with her bosum buddies pelosi & reid. What A disgrace this is to this great country. If you don't like this country mrs obama then go back to your husband's homeland. See how angery you can get with that country & still be walking or flying around in on our tax dollars.
Ummmmm.... If anyone here even bothered to follow the link to the ARDC site, you would see that it DOES NOT state anywhere on Michelle Obama's profile that "No malpractice report required as attorney is on court ordered inactive status." That is a pure fabrication on the part of the author of this article. Stop being sheep, people, and do a bit of your own investigation before you believe everything you read!
To the last comment - that was a recent change on the Illinois Law Web Site. It seems the long arm of the White House made the change since this for some reason is now a hot topic. AGAIN.
After following this story for two years it's correct and you should open your eyes or are you just another paid spin-doctor?
"Nail everything down in the White House"? You bet! But you maybe needn't bother, nothing may be of any value after "his highness" gets done abusing it. To see his manifold disrespect ... check the link and feel the anger.
She always has a militant look on her face and always looks angry. She feels its okay for her to have so many slaves in the white house. Hopefully they will be kicked out of the white house in 2012. How many vacations and how much tax payer money has she spent? Her and her husband belong behind prison bars. They are thieves and low lifes.
There has been n numerous times that info has disappeared from the internet concerning the Obama's and Al Gore. This includes Snopes.
you said:
"The more I find on the Obamas, the more I feel that the FBI when doing their background check must have been sleeping at the switch. "
Unfortunately the FBI .. nor any other agency of law enforcement EVER gives any background check for the office of POTUS.
Seriously .. no one EVER gives any president a background check. That is what Congress is supposed to do.
I can not believe it! If it is true, she should be punished!
when do adult people stop believing every bit posted? we are nothing better then a house full of chicken when the fox is coming to visit. Who says this all is true? who says now suddenly, that obamas are wors than this wonderful president before them????? come on!!!!
I am sorry, I do not like him and I really do not like her. Far to many questions about both of them
Private trip to Target! You know what that means? Somebody is going to be in a bad mood for a few days......
As americans, are we really that naive? We are the ones responsible for putting them both in the white house. He wasn't my vote, that's for sure. What really insults my intelligence is that the position of POTUS has no requirements or credentials to be elected. Has Obama, or any other president for that matter, run their own small business? Done Physical labor until their hands bled? Filed bankruptcy because a politician has decided that a banker deserves a "Bail Out" before a small business owner does? Physically worked an 80 hour "WORK" week? Yes, I mean WORK week, not a sit behind your desk, call your political affiliates and decide where you're going to lunch week. This government disgust's me. The one major problem we have, is that the little guy doesn't have the time or financial prowess to be able to fight the professional "Politician". I hope as American's, we smarten up during the next election and tell them all to go pound salt. Hey, we hired them.....We should now FIRE them.
So I went to the ARDC website to see for myself. I got the following as her registration status:
"Voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law"
the words "court ordered" are not part of the status as of today. Did you happen to screen print your findings?
It appears that the state o Illinois changed that she lost her license from a court order. Seems the Obama's put pressure on them.
But they cant hide it because its been published in to many places already.
Read the blog Atlas Shrugged she had the story years ago.
Perhaps you missed the part that said "Voluntarily inactive"?
Perhaps you missed "by court order" look read open your eyes
I would have believed you more if you hadn't used such base inflammatory remarks. Even if she is a crook - the real problem with America is that people like yourself have misunderstood what's caused the mess we're currently in as a country. Regardless of political affiliation (republican, democrat, tea bagger, leftist wing nut, communist, socialist, fascist, anarchist) we are ALL responsible for the current state of our country. While we were all busy working 2 jobs, raising families, using our iPhones and face booking we hit cruise control and let the folks in Washington run things. Seriously, what was the last tangible thing America excelled at? Other than being the chubbiest nation on the planet? What were our amazing & positive contributions to society? C'mon, our country DOMINATED the 20th century with innovative ideas and projects. How did we become a country of whining bitches?!? What needs to happen from Washington to Main Street is for people to suck it up, make the hard choices and contribute to your community - cultivating civic pride.
Um...there is actually no bracelet on her wrist. what $42,000 bracelet give-away are you talking about. And I don't know if you've ever been shopping before but sometimes after you're finished shopping you put take all the items out of the cart and put the cart away before leaving the grounds of the store.
There is also the question of bloodline. 100% of all presidents are blood related to the Queen of England. Royalty per law is prohibited from being elected to Executive office. The loophole the Monarchy has used to control this law is to renounce status to the particular family member and they are rendered to act as "Barrister" or "Lawyer" for the Queen. It doesn't matter what color of skin as long as the bloodline is kept intact. If there's so much controversy surrounding the disbarring it makes one wonder if they hadn't passed it in the first place, but merely were handed a JD and bar pass.
They both are so crooked that they will have to screw them into the ground when they die.
Try finding online, her college thesis! I was very fortunate to be able to read it when I did, and then it was pulled from the internet, like so much else that's been pulled that concerns the Obama's. In her thesis, Michelle made no bones about how she felt about whites and America--total disdain and hate for both!
Sorry guys, trust me I cant stand the Obama's. I work for a lawfirm and know first hand the following: Prior to 2000, you MUST obtain a court order to voluntarilry become inactive. 2). Every and all actions that were ever filed against her would still be there, proving the point she bailed before they could disbar her, but this is not what happened in this case. She did indeed, voluntarilly leave her practice, retire so to speak.
I am not in support of Obama, in any means. But, what bother me with this article is that you judge their motives. Why she went to Target, it's her business. If you have no written prove of WHY she went, I think it's better to leave her alone, other wise you are slandering her. We can't act out of hate, no matter what they do. We need to discern of what's right and not.
Both Barack and Michelle Obama or not common American Blacks. Both have been fed with silver spoons and raised by the elite socialist left.
They don't relate to the African-American black community for the reason they were never a part of it. They prey upon"blacks" to further their own personal goals.
Oh sure, they both were "community organizers" within the Chicago black community, but they slept in their exclusive Chicago suburb mansion at night.
I believe where there's smoke, there's fire. The Obamas are up to their necks in illegalities. Let's send them back to Chicago in November 2012.
Obamanomics and his "transparency in government" that doesn't exist are detrimental to our American Constitutional Republic.Is Barack Obama an American citizen? NO!
It's evident that Michelle's 2008 remark "For the first time in my adult lifetime I am really proud of my country"applies to th POTUS and the FLOTUS.
The woman in this picture has sleeves on.
Aloha mate! I completely agree with your thoughts.
For entertainment google "Is Obama gay". You'll be surprised.
This will all be settled in November. Remember 2010!!! Revisit our victory in 2012!
Anonymous....you make me want to puke!
Why the disguises, they all look alike to me.
WOW....I would be interested to know what type of work all of you do. It seems that you all excell in your research skills, more so than those of the investigators, reporters and agents the Politicians have out there digging for dirt.... This is a pathetic and biggoted article. If you have TRUTH then the American people want to hear it, but this poison you are spewing is shameful...
"The more I find on the Obamas, the more I feel that the FBI when doing their background check must have been sleeping at the switch. "
Elements of the FBI have been dirty at least as far back as 1993. They were involved in the 1993 WTC bombing.
Recent revelations say that FBI agents threatened police during the Oklahoma bombing investigation.
It's no surprise the upsurper-in-chief got a free pass.
My comment is about the picture of her at Target. I don't like Michelle Obama and I don't want to defend her, but really, who cares? She's carrying the bag because she just checked out and she's not going to push the cart outside. I do this all the time. I carry my bag of items as I push the cart back to the cart rack. Then I walk outside. She has been photographed many times wearing clothes from Target, too. I just think using that last picture was far reaching. As for the other info on her, that was great.
First I want to say my greatest regret in life was voting for this man or anti-Christ like person.
I agree with an earlier comment should we follow him like they followed Hitler and the SS.
I fought for this country against terror to come home and find terrorist in OUR white house
First I want to say my greatest regret in life was voting for this man or anti-Christ like person.
I agree with an earlier comment should we follow him like they followed Hitler and the SS.
I fought for this country against terror to come home and find terrorist in OUR white house
Isn't it obvious how well suited Barry & Michelle are for each other? Their poor children, though! Hopefully, they will be two children, that grow up and say, 'You know, I don't want to be like my Mom or Dad. I want to be honest....for starters."
My daughter is an attorney. There is some misinformation here regarding the bar exam, being cited by contributors. The bar exam is only taken once in one's state of residence; it does not have to be re-taken unless one moves to another jurisdiction. Practicing lawyers do have to stay up to date with classes periodically. It is a very bad sign when a lawyer is forced out by the state and not allowed to renew!
You know how you can redeem that regret, right? Vote him out in November, and tell all your friends.
There are fees related to being a practicing lawyer -- continuing education, licensing, malpractice insurance, etc. If you don't plan to practice law, you can request that your license be made inactive. You are still an attorney, just not practicing and thus avoid those costs. That's the case here.
They do not represent me in anything they do, they are communist that hate everything that once made this country great, Anne that is why I want them gone in November. They don't support this country and I will not support them.
If you want to bitch about the President and First Lady, find something legitimate to bitch about! There is a lot out there. This just doesn't happen to be one of them. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/lawlicenses.asp
I am no fan of the Obamas.
But to conclude that she was disbarred over that entry shows an incredible lack of information.
Attorneys go "inactive" voluntarily all of the time. If you are not actively practicing law, you do not need malpratice insurance.
Whoever wrote this needs to do a retraction.
This was debunked by World Net Daily:
The ARDC website explains, “Prior to November 1, 1999, former Supreme Court Rule 770 provided for a proceeding in the Court for any voluntary transfer to inactive status, whether because of some incapacitating condition or solely as a matter of the lawyer’s preference because the lawyer would not be practicing law.”
Grogan explained, “At the time, the only way to go on inactive status was to do what she did – which was to file a petition in the Illinois Supreme Court.”
He said attorneys often filed a petition for 770 when they wanted to pursue other careers, retire or begin raising a family.
“At the time, this happened all the time,” he said. “Our office would have to file what’s known as a consent.”
Grogan said his office would have immediately alerted the court in a public filing if there had been reason to believe she should face disciplinary action.
“We filed a consent in Michelle Obama’s case in which we had no objection to her transferring to inactive status,” he said. “In the event that she did go on inactive status and she engaged in any disbarrable offenses, there would be a disciplinary case of public record.”
He continued, “Just because someone goes on inactive it doesn’t deprive us of the jurisdiction to prosecute.”
she takes the whole family to Europe at the taxpayers expense but goes to Target shopping? This is so sad. People are so stupid for buying into this crap.
Obama Derangement Syndrome. You folks need serious help. Or maybe to go outside for a minute and re-introduce yourselves to realty.
I see no bracelet.Other then your over bias tone and that error a decent article.
What? A carry out the moocher she is buck lazy.
Michelle Lavaughn Robinson Obama lost me the day she let slip that the first time she was proud of the United States of America was when her husband from Kenya usurped a job at the People's House. She sealed her fate in my "poor opinion of" column, when she started running up the tab on super expensive vacations for herself and her friends and kiddies and kiddies’ friends while the Kenyan was doing his utmost to bankrupt America (morally, spiritually, and financially) from his Usurper post at the People's House. There's a word for that.
Neither did she gain any good graces by attempting to dictate what American Children could eat while in school or entire families at restaurants (some may recall she wanted restaurants to alter [reduce the size] of the portions they serve). She should learn to keep her Usurper's mate's hands off my family's food.
As far as being disbarred, I'm not seeing any proof but I would like to know how that wily photographer managed to spot her at a Target's store. I mean what are the chances, one in a billion? Something smells fishy about that and Targets ought to be very suspicious because wherever the Usurper goes, trouble follows, and I've no reason to believe that that rule does not also hold up truthfully for the Lil Ms. Usurper-in-Chief, as well.
On the bright side, anyone with names like "Michelle", "Lavaughn", and "Robinson" could be one of our own and probably does not hail from Kenya like Barack Hussein Obama - now there IS the name of a "for real" African national.
For being so intelligent, you spelled financially and University incorrectly. If you actually had a degree you should have a basic understanding of the language.
I do not know why our presidential candidates do not have to qualify for a high-level security clearance. Even the people who empty the wastebaskets in the Pentagon have to have that clearance, and the president is trusted with the security of our nation and the most sensitive information. If this was required, they would automatically be fully vetted, and Obama would have been disqualified based on his Marxist connections and his relationship with Bill Ayers alone!
D0 Americans remember the statement by the socalled first lady, so I quot her, For the first time in my adult life Im proud to be an American, and I quess her husband shears the same quotation.
So I say, for the first time in my life I have no respect for the president and his first lady.
D0 Americans remember the statement made by the so-called first lady, so I quote her... For the first time in my adult life Im proud to be an American...end of quote. I guess her husband shares the same quotation.
So I say, for the first time in my life I have no respect for the president and his first lady.
D0 Americans remember the statement made by the so-called first lady, so I quote her... For the first time in my adult life Im proud to be an American...end of quote. I guess her husband shares the same quotation.
So I say, for the first time in my life I have no respect for the president and his first lady.
It would not be a problem if the Obama's were Anglo-Saxons!
Too bad this is a bald-faced lie. She is still licensed, and was never disbaarred.
Its always something with you whities huh..? SMH in disgrace..! OBAMA 2012..!
Just wait for this Tax, Tax, Tax and more Tax that is why Obama hired 16,000 more Tax Collectors aka IRS to enforce his health care plan now they will have the power to a stop your social security checks, freeze your bank accounts and assets, steal your house and car if you don't pay the Obama care tax
it will make the Bush tax cuts look small in contrast.
Hey Nicolas! Its Synthia from Thessaloniki Greece.Im honored that one Greek can do such a great eye opening work.Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
If youre interest in what really happened. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/lawlicenses.asp
1. there's no bracelet in this pic
2. in 1993, in order to be voluntarily inactive (for whatever personal reasons like, maybe not wanting to practice or not wanting to renew in another state), a court order must be obtained. so no court ordered her to stop practicing. it was her choice. https://www.iardc.org/main_annreport.html#7
3. honestly, who gives a shit why she is holding the bag? maybe she puts her own cart away like i do, instead of being an asshole and leaving it for some employee to fetch.
4. there are myriad reasons someone might be grimacing in a photo besides hating white people. stubbed toe, i don't know.
in sum: extortion? honestly? RUMORS created by the same people who post photos of invisible $45,000 bracelets. or maybe it's so sparkly it can't be photographed??! man that is some swankity bling.
Hey Michell once You and Your idiot husband are in the rear view We can all say,Finally We really love this country. All You people who agree He's the first black president read the next chapter about his white mother get over Her being angry and black him running on half his heritage admit it You fell for the yes we can and now we pay for it. hope all you obuma supporters suffer 100xs harder than anyone
Anyone know when John Hinkley, or sirhan sirhan get out
He can't relate to black's because He's not one and vice verse, same with Her why not go to the Cross Bronx, area's like that with devastating poverty amongst blacks and white's She can't because She plays the race card also. In my fathers dreams. Yeah right F the Obuma's in 2012
Obuma's suck Obuma's suck Obuma's suck You get the point You put this racist pig in along with this douche bag and now You whine You suck next time vote on moral's, knowledge of Gov. not on half a color
Obama's AKA Goat F-ERS can't stomach Him or Her and if She's so proud to be a Black woman why does she straighten Her hair. 2 racist pigs we pay for
one must have an active license in order to practice or counsel. IF someone does not renew their license within the given period of time, it is automatically court mandated to sees all legal practices and counsel at once. your statement seems concrete in either way.
it looks as if she's leaving target and I always carry my bags and push the buggy back where it goes. it doesn't show the whole buggy so you can't tell if there's anything in it. I am left to assume it's empty because why would I take someones word for it when they could have posted the whole picture
LOL!! and Snopes is aying this is ALL FALSE. How would they know? as the records are sealed.
Your article says voluntary. That is not Court ordered. Many moms who aren't actively practicing use this status because the bar fees are cheaper. Get your facts straight. As an attorney if you are not active you are inactive or retired.
And here we sit....years later, havmg done nothing....Anonymous...if you read this....I would love to Skype debate you in front of every social media possible....you are a total moron....you're not n attorney...you're a phony poster who lives in an online imaginary realm
I would share the hell out of this if the writer knew the difference between 'discretion' and 'indiscretion.' Also, 'attacked' from 'attached.' Please, give me something an intelligent person can't tear apart grammar-wise. I know it's an oxy-moron, but there are 'pseudo-intelligent' Obama-lovers.
Robinson , foremen then at Nestle in Illinois, had an eighteen year old son that was shot execution style. The kid rebelled against his parents divorce. Said they found glass in the production of baby food. It was published that Tom Selleck was one of five sons of Hussein.
Thieves and liars in the White House? Shocking. Oh yeah, Watergate.....
Too late peeps the damage has been done. Civil war is the only way this country can come back to what it once was. Even after all the proof we have had against this clown in office his people still don't care.
Another America hating leftist, heard from.
The Obama's pulled off the biggest "con" or "scam" since an illiterate War Lord, Pedophile and Slave Trader who hated blacks...and another Arab like Barack Hussein Obama (he's 50% white trash, 44% ARAB and 6% Luo/black) LIED UP ISLAM. HE TOO CONVINCED THE DUMEST OF THE DUMB HE WAS SOMETHING OTHER THAN A BOLD FACED LIAR...
Well time and time again Obama has proven that he is not serving our nor the people. He continues to disregard our constitution and putting in place his own laws. Our Debt with China is so massive, there is no way that it can be payed back. China is calling the shots and Obama is a bliged to do their Bidding. He has been ordered to start taking away the citizens of this country's guns away because they are planning on coming in to our country to collect on our debt by claiming our oil lands, our coal, our farm land, and all other resources that this country has to offer. It will come to pass. Obama is asking military leaders if a citizen will not relinquish their firearm, would they shoot them. Ones that have answered no either are sent over to the middle east or they are told they no longer have their job. So be prepared. It's going to happen sooner than you think.
Boy you're a blind moron
You are so obviously blinded by your color.
For The First Time In My Adult Lifetime,I'm Really Proud Of y Country. WHAT A JOKE , She's Proud That So Many Of The American People Was SO STUPID To Fall For Obummers CRAP So He Could Destroy Our Great Country From The Inside !!!!!!!
Reading stuff like this Pissed me and I've always said there are a lot of stupid people out there and this just proves it cause dumb ass americas voted this law braking family into office not once but twice!
I'm sure they'll steal furniture as they leave the White House.
Either way the two dumbasses living in the white house need to go!!!!
If you want a true American, elect a Native American for President. Someone who's ancestors were born on this land and had it taken by them by us "Americans" ancestors. And see who invests and cares more about what happens to it.
Of course she worked as an assistant. The first three letters of ASSistant explain her title.
Dream on, you obviously have your blinders on.
So is this site an imitation of The Onion?
This site looks like an imitation of The Onion. Everything here is just completely fabricated.
She is a whore who is mad at the world so she wants to take it out on U.S. citizens
This article makes assumptions by what can only be called a VERY ill informed individual with absolutely NO investigative credentials, or skill.
1) According to the ARDC, ALL lawyers who requested inactive status prior to 2000 had to obtain a court order in order to receive it.
2) There are NO disciplinary actions against Michelle Obama.
3) Her license is listed as "VOLUNTARILY inactive."
In other words, before 2000, any lawyer who wanted to go on VOLUNTARY inactive status had to get a court order to do so. Therefore, ALL lawyers who voluntarily became inactive - did so via COURT ORDER. There were NO disciplinary actions against Mrs. Obama. She is eligible to return to active status at any time by paying her fees and completing the continuing education required of all lawyers.
So, the ARDC's site indicates that her VOLUNTARILY inactive status came at HER request and was granted by a court order, as was ROUTINE before 2000.
There would be no need for malpractice insurance for an attorney on voluntary inactive status.
Angry sex
April 2008 Barack Obama's license was involuntarily inactive. He had no malpractice insurance. I emailed to ask why they altered the records. No response, just sticking with retired now.
Snopes has been proven to be extremely biased. I have friends in Cook County that have verified this story.
Just to let you know there is know vetting process by the F.B.I. for presidential canadates. They are vetted by there party. Look it up.
Michelle was ordered by the court not volintary.
Anglo Saxon or white?.... duh Obama is white...black...and representsvthe Muslim world with his name...he has it all covered
This is just ANOTHER B.S. Meme: Q: Did Barack and Michelle Obama “surrender” their law licenses to avoid ethics charges?
A: No. A court official confirms that no public disciplinary proceeding has ever been brought against either of them, contrary to a false Internet rumor. By voluntarily inactivating their licenses, they avoid a requirement to take continuing education classes and pay hundreds of dollars in annual fees. Both could practice law again if they chose to do so.
You are one angry person. Tell me, how do you put your head down at night and rest? The spreading of all these lies and insightening people is low life. You must be full of hate and animosity for this great American family. It is people like you that gives America and Americans a bad name. May God have mercy on you for spreading all this vile and toxic message you have initiated.
It is a shame someone from another country is telling "us" to grow up. If you are not American you can't understand why we fell this way We are not used to being shafted by our so called president. He and the shoemaker wife of his have lied about everything from his credentials to his plans to drop the borders and hand the US over to the muslim military terrorists. Butt out of our business...another guy foreinger.
Not so as you think.
Thank You Nicholas
They got one over us with the help of the stupidity of the FBI in with the help of the Democratic Party. Those in the Democratic Party did push him know he is a rose no he is not a citizen they know it's a fake birth certificate and yes they helped him to cover up his past. 1 part of his past that he couldn't cover up with his friends in Hawaii said was he was a prolific liar, he still is. The media also helped in this. He and She are out to destroy the values in this country to tear down on the Constitution. If you don't see it is cuz you don't want to. You're obviously a crook just like them and just there for the free handouts. We're going communist, it's because of this man very quickly. He is a usurper of the position.
Great observation.
Silly, naive, narrow minded, foolish..... is that all you left wing socialists can do? Insult, call names, dilute facts? So sad that you don't realize you and the people like you are ruining a great country. Oh by the way, you forgot to call us racists along with your other insults. So typical.
Great post. Right on point.
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