Sunday, August 30, 2009
John McCain - It Could Get That Bad

"Liberal Jews" and "Restitution Blacks" Dominate the Obama Administration

Saturday, August 29, 2009
New Poll in Israel Says 96% of the Country Feels Obama is Anti-Israel
Press headline for full story.
The Irony of Bill Ayers - Terrorist

By Nicholas Contompasis
In the late 60's as a member of SDS ( Students for a Democratic Society ) and while going to college in the DC area I received an education in radicalism that, frankly, I think every American should be exposed too. The months on the street being involved with the far left opened my eyes to what they really wanted.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Next President of the United States General David Petraeus Ph.D

As the ancient warrior from the dusty pages of a long forgotten empire steps out into present days light his mission is one. This mission is as old as the history books from which he emerges.
His goal is to right the wrong. His mission is to save his people for whom he has fought for in far off lands, spending years in foreign soil and feeling the blood of many enemies.
His love for his land is full and true. A love that is felt to the core of his being. This love of empire is the common thread that links the people of the empire to him.
As the years pile up in his endeavor to save the empire from the menaces from afar, the storm clouds grow over his homeland.
The threat now is more from within than from afar and the Eagle is watching and waiting. The corrupt leader and senator's of the ancient forum have now pushed the people to the brink of existence.
But, the Eagle is waiting. As this ancient general of the loyal armies dusts off his shield and sharpens his sword and spear he sets his eyes on his homeland.
With a tear in his eye and the wind under his feet he will return to right the wrong, to free the enslaved, to stop the oppression and to ultimately heal the scars of his homeland.
For the Eagle is coming to save his land, to save his people. He is coming to save his America.
And when his mission is met he than can rest back into the ancient page's of history till it's time once again to emerge for the people.
Ted Kennedy was the Father of Political Hate Speech in America - Rush Limbaugh
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Omar Kadafi the State Sponsored Muslim Terrorist Want's to Camp in Your Backyard

The Last Kennedy is Dead - What Could Have Been What Would Have Been !

Monday, August 24, 2009
Angry President Obama Attacks the Bush Administration as He Losses Ground on his Government Health Option, Cap n Trade and Major Polls.

The Interrogation Czar Will Protect You - Don't Count on It !

Saturday, August 22, 2009
“The Axis of Idiots” - The Real Enemy is Here in Washington

Bill Clinton, you played ring around the Lewinsky while the terrorists were at war with us. You got us into a fight with them in Somalia and then you ran from it. Your weak-willed responses to the U.S.S. Cole and the First Trade Center Bombing and Our Embassy Bombings emboldened the killers. Each time you failed to respond adequately, they grew bolder, until 9/11/2001.
Read on at this link, it's worth the read.
Capitol Hill Becomes Mosque for Friday Islamic Prayers (jummah)

For those aware of Islam’s lack of delineation between politics, religion and law (not to mention defense) but rather a ‘complete way of life’, these efforts at dawah to gain a political foothold align well with the Muslim Brotherhood’s ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’.
Massive TV Ad's from the Right Opposing a Government Option on Health Care to Air Next Week

Friday, August 21, 2009
The Reverend Barack Obama a Man of God

Thursday, August 20, 2009
President Obama vs Rush Limbaugh on the Radio

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Sarah Palin's New Tweet

Rahm Emanuel the New J. Edgar Hoover for Obama?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Nicholas Contompasis for President - Who's That You Ask?

Monday, August 17, 2009
Obama Addresses the VFW Today - The Silence was Deadly !
Obama Thinks You're Stupid and Want's You to Back a Freddie and Frannie Med

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Beware - of the King Makers

Brad Pitt - Godless People Create Godless Governments and Godless Governments Have No Respect for Life

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Israel Threatens Obama - Per Arutz Sheva

"If the current US administration wants to retain the great amount of Jewish support it received in the last election, and maintain a sense of trust and friendship among the Israeli people, then it must take a hard look at why Israel has shifted its attitudes toward the concept of "land for peace". Obama has to deliver the "change" he promised and stop arrogantly insisting that the US has the only solution to the conflict. He must try to listen to the Israeli people and their representatives, who echo their concerns." http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/8975
Well, well, well, it appears that the 13 Jewish Senators in the US Senate may just have to do their duty for their homeland or will they sell them out like they are doing to the American people. We will see...............
Sarah Palin - Vote Straight Christian Next Time

Friday, August 14, 2009
Sarah Palin Controls Democrats on Health Bill

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Run Mr. President, Run as Fast as You Can !

That major principle is staying in office as long as possible.
You see we the people have been exposed to the games of wall street over the past two years and have found that if you make a financial product that no one understands "you can sell it".
Now, the US Congress and President Obama are doing the very same thing to the American People all over again and the American People are finally getting it.
All around the country they are standing up and speaking out against the wholesale take over of the private sector and the personal privacy that all Americans cherish.
We the American People are not 3rd world people who have always been told what to do and have been held down by a suppressive governments. We are Americans, we will not stand for some government employee ( President Obama ) telling us what to do and when to do it. America wont stand for it.
So, run Mr. President, run as fast as you can..
Rioting California Prisoners Apply Basic Economic Principles to Their Early Releases

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Christians and Jews in the US Senate

Per information provided by Wikipedia, 15% of Senators ( all Jewish democrat's ) in the US Senate represent 100,000,000 ( 34% ) of the US population from various states.
In the current Senate of 100 seated the democrats hold about 60 seats. The pure Jewish vote has the power to make or break any bill that the democrats write. This includes influence and leverage on a President's foreign policy. They actually can make or break a President at this very moment.
Now, let's talk about Israel and the new Obama administration's hardball policy towards our strongest ally in the middle east. I have been searching for a reason why the Jewish Senators have not pressured Mr. Obama to back off. Is it possible that the once fiercely proud and supportive Jewish Senators are no longer in love with there hard fought homeland. Is it possible they are selling out the one great democracy in the middle east for the visionary ideas of President Obama, where all people will forget the past and live happily ever after.
I wonder who is more naive the Jewish Senators or Mr. Obama.
Now, let's extend this thinking if it is correct to the now proposed national health care bill. If our Jewish Senators can sell out there own homeland, selling out the American people just might be a piece of cake.
If I could say one thing to our Jewish Senators it would be " SAVE YOUR HOMELAND AND SAVE OUR NATION ".
Spector - Town Hall Meeting Today - is a Nightmare for Him

Monday, August 10, 2009
The New Obama Afghan Policy Could Put Him in the Crosshairs

The Bush administration left the drug lords alone for unknown reasons. It has always been understood that money does go from the drug lords to the Taliban to fund their war.
Logic only tells you that by taking out the drug lords you strangle the Taliban's war efforts.
But, reality tells you that this policy could put you on a hit list by the world's most wealthy and dangerous people.
Who are these people, the Russian mob, the Mexican mob, the US mob and not to mention Al Qaeda themselves.
This policy is going to anger a lot of evil people in the world who really don't give a damn if they live or die or who lives or dies.
This policy could jeopardize the safety of NATO force elected officials, including President Obama and European Presidents.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Maybe President Obama's Negotiating Techniques are a Window on the Anger that he has for Your American Way of life

Is This a New Level of Fear for the American People?

Mark Your Calendar - Tonight on Fox 9 pm est Hannity Exposes Obama

The Last Word on the Gates / Obama Affair, or is it !

The American Public is Waking Up !

Will Your Taxes Go Up ?
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Danville California Tea Party Organized by Nick Contompasis

Crowds line Hartz Ave. in Tax Day Protest Danville Tea Party one of hundreds around the U.S.
by Geoff Gillette
President Obama Caught on Video Saying No More Private Insurance for America

What Does Rush Limbaugh and Nancy Pelosi Have in Common?

Is Your Tail ( OBAMA ) Wagging You ?
A Godless Government

I have always said that if you want to show a godless government that you are not happy with them " simply go to your place of worship and keep going and keep going and don't stop going " .
Mistakenly many people of other religions tend to lean the other way when watching a video like this, but they should realize that a godless government is rejecting their God too.
Muskets and Cannons