“Hey you Jews” come and sit over here. Now, what’s wrong with that statement? If you got up and blurted that out in a crowded room to a group of Jewish friends, why would that be any different than saying “Hey you Italians” or “Greeks” or whatever? OK, let’s take this a step further. What about “Hey you blacks” come and sit over here. Wow, not good, right? But why does it sound so wrong?
Maybe it’s perceived as wrong because of the people perceiving it. Could it be that the people that are offended perceive themselves as victims, of course? Not all Jew’s or Black’s would be offended. Why are, some offended and other not? Why are some politically liberal and some politically conservative? The answer could be found in how one perceives them self. If you look at yourself as a victim of a Nazi lead holocaust and the number one target on the second largest religions hit list you might “not” want to be pointed out in a crowded room. If in years past your people were actually enslaved by “some” of the other guys but you’re still pissed about it, even though you weren't there, you could look at yourself as a victim. Now, again not all blacks would be offended, just the ones that are pissed and still feel the victim.
By now you’re probably wondering why I’ve chosen these two disenfranchised groups within a group to discuss. Well, you see, these groups of minorities are offended by you the “majority” and they’re now in control of “your government.” So if you’re wondering why the policies coming out of the Obama administration drive you up a tree on a daily basis, it could be because the ones in control perceive themselves as victims and have a grudge against you! We now have vengeful victims running and defending our country. Do they care about you, of course not silly, Gulf oil spill, health care bill you don’t want, no effort to create more jobs, won’t defend our border, more taxes, cap n trade redistribution of your wealth to the third world, war on terror, nationalization of industries. Need I say more?