OK guys get ready, here it comes. American Women are all over this grassroots revolution against the Obama Administration and the liberal democrats in congress. My official activation into this movement happened on March 15th 2009 when I started my towns first Tea Party in Danville California for the April 15th (tax day) rally.
In the first few weeks I was contacted by many interested people. I could hear in their voices the anger and confusion but most of all, I could feel the fear they were feeling.
Both men and women contacted me with the vast majority being women. It struck me, how vocal and knowledgeable these women were about the issues.
As the months have gone by, more and more women have been getting involved. I'm convinced there are far more women involved now than men.
This is not to say that men are not supporting the movement. After all politics and business can be a wicked mixture that you may want to keep to yourself so you can get the deal, that's understandable.
I started wondering why, so many women ? Why are so many of them, so worked up, over this Administrations actions? Emails, tweets, phone calls, letters and on and on most coming from women.
Why ? Because women know, women feel, women understand, women are the canary in the coal mine, women are the early warning system for all of us. This warning system should never be ignored, ever !
Call it insight, call it intuition, you can call it ESP, call it anything you want but when the warning signs go off you better be listening and you better do something.
At first I was angry over what was going on in America until I noticed the women. Than I became frightened that the thoughts that I was having could actually come to pass. Is this why these women are so worked up? Are they seeing what I'm seeing, validating my thoughts ?
Does America have something to fear from this Administration ? It seems so, if you ask American women !
So, guys if your not listening to the women of America you better start, before it's to late.
This comment was so good I thought it should be included in this article. It gives us all more perspective on whats going on.
From Anonymous
Women have become very involved. They know they cannot afford to remain silent. Women instinctively sense an impending threat. They know issues such as the health care debate could very well impact their family's lives in a negative way and they are determined to preserve and hold on to what they deem sacred.
These are the facts according to the "Concerned Women for America" advocacy group:Women account for 2 of every 3 dollars spent on health care, and are 14% more likely than men to take prescription medicine regularly and 90% of them visit a doctor at least once a year. Moreover, most women make the chief health care decisions for their families.
By a margin of 64%-27%, women would "rather have private health insurance than a government-run health insurance plan.
57% disagree that "a federally run health care program is what is best for my family and me.
56% disagree that "women like me would be best served by a government-run health care plan.
54% would not personally trade in their coverage for a public plan.
51% of women are unsatisfied with what they have read, seen, or heard about the proposals or legislation to reform health care coverage. Most would prefer that any expanded involvement exclude them personally.
Majorities of women voters in all age, regional, and educational attainment cohorts believe the private sector to be superior when it comes to providing choice in health care.
Pluralities of self-identified Democrats (45%) and liberals (49%) agree, as well as majorities of self-identified Independents (64%), Republicans (81%), moderates (54%), and conservatives (74%). 67% would be less likely to support a candidate, and 19% more likely to support a candidate, who favors moving people from their private health care plans to a government-run or public option health care plans.
Women also want choice with respect to how their tax dollars are spent: 67% of women do not want public funding of abortion; including 55% of self-identified Democrats.