America, you’re doing it! You’re taking back your country! Little by little America is waking up. The snowball is now heading down the hill at full speed, gathering more and more supporters against the Socialist takeover of America. All of the emails, tweets, phone calls, town hall meetings, Tea Parties, general protests, YouTube videos and conservative radio and TV shows have awakened a sleeping America to recognize who they are. The massive wave of patriotism spreading across our country is the reawakening of the American Spirit which was never lost but a foregone conclusion.
Polls released today show President Obama, congressional democrats and especially Martha Coakley, now running for Senate in Massachusetts are losing against all opponents and unnamed opponents. In simple words, Patriotic Americans are on the rise and taking back the country.
When Scott Brown wins the Massachusetts senatorial race, is sworn in and places his opposing vote of the health care bill, thus defeating the bill, it will send a message to all Socialists in office that their days are numbered. These Socialists are attempting to turn the clock back on America to a time when fascist dictators ruled. This will not stand, not in America!
Polls released today show President Obama, congressional democrats and especially Martha Coakley, now running for Senate in Massachusetts are losing against all opponents and unnamed opponents. In simple words, Patriotic Americans are on the rise and taking back the country.
When Scott Brown wins the Massachusetts senatorial race, is sworn in and places his opposing vote of the health care bill, thus defeating the bill, it will send a message to all Socialists in office that their days are numbered. These Socialists are attempting to turn the clock back on America to a time when fascist dictators ruled. This will not stand, not in America!
The Massachusetts Miracle
Awesome video! Run Scott run! Save us from Obamacare!
Good one Nick. I hope he wins!
I'm worried Brown will be elected but not sworn in immediately. Then the dems will push HealthCare through without him; however, I understand it would have to be the bill "as is" and a lot of Democrats are not in favor of that.
I'm worried Brown will be elected but not sworn in immediately. Then the dems will push HealthCare through without him; however, I understand it would have to be the bill "as is" and a lot of Democrats are not in favor of that.
Kennedy was sworn in the next day so if they try and pull that bullshit, it will hit the fan.
Here’s my view: I'd like to see the media and other radio personalities pick up from Sheriff Joe in Phoenix! The white house has posted 2 documents that supposedly show that obozo is an American citizen. Both have been proven to be forgeries. I'm serious about this. I was never a "birther" but the more that comes out, the more I don't believe this guy was even born here. We the people deserve the TRUTH! I want our elected representatives to do a FULL investigation of this man who to this point can NOT produce even 1 valid document to prove his citizenship. That is astonishing! DEMAND PROOF!!! Here are some FACTS for you to ponder: 1)The hosp listed on his fake birth certificate had a different name in 1961 2)His race was listed as "African-American." Whoever heard of that in 1961? 3)He has a social security # that originally belonged to a guy who was born in Connecticut and died in Hawaii. 4)His grandmother volunteered at the ss ofc in Hawaii at the time of his birth. (Hummm...) 5)The records of flights coming into Hawaii are mysteriously "missing" from the microfilm roll for the dates of Aug 1 - Aug 7, 1961. 6)In order to attend school in Indonesia you must be a citizen. They do not have "dual citizenship." His mother would have had to RENOUNCE whatever citizenship he did have. 7)His grandmother plainly stated that he was BORN IN KENYA. 8)His Father's place of birth was listed on his fake birth certificate as "Kenya." Kenya was not even a country in 1961. It was a British territory. That's why his father held British citizenship. (Which also makes him NOT ELIGIBLE!) There's more but do your own research. Type in "Kenya" on a google search and see for yourself. It was founded in Dec 1963! This is a very serious matter. He thinks America owes the world and he's determined to collect the debt! DEMAND a full investigation now. Before it's to late!
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