No, this is not a picture of the Jewel of the Nile who starred in the 1980’s movie of the same name with Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner. This is a U.S. citizen who is a Muslim clerk, oops I mean cleric, over in Yemen who is part of al-Qaeda. He is considered an expert on how we here in the U.S. operate. He was targeted by the U.S. last week by drones in Yemen. First reports said they killed him but later reports issued stated that he was still alive and operating.
If you connect the dots Anwar al-Awlaki is responsible for the Ft. Hood attack and the Christmas day attack in Detroit. Al-Awalki from what I can see is actively recruiting gay Muslim youth for his dirty work. The attacker in Detroit seems obviously gay. As I stated in a prior article “The Gay Muslim Terrorist of Ft. Hood.”
“Many homosexuals in the Muslim world realize that it would be a death sentence to admit to being gay. The guilt of not fitting into their strict religion must send these very lonely and disparate men into a classic suicide terrorist mode.
Many Muslim suicide terrorists are homosexuals who are looking for a way to end their lives respectfully in the eyes of Allah. Knowing that this suppression of their inner feelings could someday expose them, they choose to shorten their lives by committing themselves to the radical Muslim cause.
In the end they go to their graves knowing that their families are proud of the sacrifice they have made. This is a very sick and twisted balance of men trying to be a part of something they know they cannot and a demand to give one’s self to his God. “
Look for more attackers coming from this Gay Wing of the Muslim al-Qaeda Terrorist Organization known as GWMATO.
Who knows we just could have the next attack from a pink clad Toto wearing terrorist with a paisley patterned bomb strapped to her waist. Oops, have I lost my politically correct bearings or what?
No, this is not a picture of the Jewel of the Nile who starred in the 1980’s movie of the same name with Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner. This is a U.S. citizen who is a Muslim clerk, oops I mean cleric, over in Yemen who is part of al-Qaeda. He is considered an expert on how we here in the U.S. operate. He was targeted by the U.S. last week by drones in Yemen. First reports said they killed him but later reports issued stated that he was still alive and operating.
If you connect the dots Anwar al-Awlaki is responsible for the Ft. Hood attack and the Christmas day attack in Detroit. Al-Awalki from what I can see is actively recruiting gay Muslim youth for his dirty work. The attacker in Detroit seems obviously gay. As I stated in a prior article “The Gay Muslim Terrorist of Ft. Hood.”
“Many homosexuals in the Muslim world realize that it would be a death sentence to admit to being gay. The guilt of not fitting into their strict religion must send these very lonely and disparate men into a classic suicide terrorist mode.
Many Muslim suicide terrorists are homosexuals who are looking for a way to end their lives respectfully in the eyes of Allah. Knowing that this suppression of their inner feelings could someday expose them, they choose to shorten their lives by committing themselves to the radical Muslim cause.
In the end they go to their graves knowing that their families are proud of the sacrifice they have made. This is a very sick and twisted balance of men trying to be a part of something they know they cannot and a demand to give one’s self to his God. “
Look for more attackers coming from this Gay Wing of the Muslim al-Qaeda Terrorist Organization known as GWMATO.
Who knows we just could have the next attack from a pink clad Toto wearing terrorist with a paisley patterned bomb strapped to her waist. Oops, have I lost my politically correct bearings or what?
Another example of this sub-human culture:
Among the Taliban's first acts while assuming power in the mid 1990s was the imposition of a religious legal code in which homosexuality is punishable by death.
Taliban courts, made up of religious leaders guided by their interpretation of the Koran, have convicted dozens of men of homosexual acts. Three such men were recently ordered by Afghan courts to have walls collapsed upon them, which injured them severely, and as part of their sentence they were left under the rubble for more than 30 minutes. Two of the men died the following day. The third man was deemed innocent of the sodomy charges because he survived.
So much carnage all in the name of the Koran. Time for a good old-fashioned 'book burning'
Wow What a good collection of Morans here.........The author of the article looks gay to me. May be Dick Cheney daughter will counter the Muslim Gays and lesbians.......
You guys are worse than the people who condemned Socorite to drink poison.
It's spelled 'moron' not moran, moron!
Morans? Its called "irony". Something that would be lost on most readers of lunacy such as this.
That is not irony, it is sarcasm, however pathetic the attempt.
If there's a group willing to undermine Islam is obviously the homosexuals, having a gay pretending be a part of Islam killing his ex-lovers thats a red flag.
From the land of Christian gay republican nothing is surprising, but in the muslin world, with all the reasons to be violent, restraint is what they have showed us.
They will have penis shaped charges in their rectum and like it. The charges will be set off by flatulating! Danger! OOga Bugga!What a crock of S*!!
Absolute propaganda and infantile at that
Now some Morons are correcting my spelling of Moran.....:). Did any one ever corrected Bush's spellings?
How about Barney Frank in senate, he might be Muslim gay...:). How about Jim McGreavy of NJ?
What bothers me the most is that so many people still believe al-qaeda (the toilet) actually exists.
The West likes to carry on about how awfully gays are treated in homosexual intolerant communities. What they don't like you to see is the flip side of that stance. Ever wondered what the HIV infection rate is in countries that are completely intolerant of gays? You might want to look it up sometime. If killing a dozen gay men today saves twenty thousand lives over the next ten years is it worth it? Is it a form of socialised medicine?
Somebody please tell me what a "Moran" is.
America has an unimaginable threat that lies ahead. Do a little research on this.
Euro-Med Partnership:
Europe is to be islamized. Democracy, Christianity, European culture and Europeans are to be driven out of Europe. 50 million North Africans from Moslem countries are to be imported into the EU."
I am married to a muslim man, who is gay, He sleeps with his bestfriend and thinks I dont know it. I wonder if it is right, but I think it is not right for a gay muslim to marry and treat his wife like dirt, just because he is ashamed of what he is doing.What should I do about that? If I ask for a divorce I will have nothing left, if he stays, I will end up with aids or something? north alabam is full of gay men muslims that marry to cover it. it is not fair to us... what do we do?
My answer is simple. You are an American, now act like one. You have the right to divorce this scum ball and Convert to a loving religion like Christianity. Being Muslim in America is not going to get any better for you. Americans used to like Muslims till they started killing everyone around the world. Islam is an outdated tradition not a religion. I wish you all the luck in the world, I know you’ll need it. You must be strong and get many friends that will support you and hide you if necessary.GOD BLESS
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