Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I’m Scott Brown For President and I Drive a Truck

As Lt. Colonel Scott Brown rides to the rescue and saves America from the evil ruler Barrack Obama and the corrupt democrats in congress, his acceptance speech tonight laid the framework for his run for the White House in 2012. Republicans across the country should look into Scott’s cookbook for the special ingredients it takes to win in a historically and predominantly democrat state like Massachusetts.
His victory is sending a tsunami across the political spectrum in America. Brown’s constant jabs at President Obama and his policies during his acceptance speech sounded more like a run for his job than restating his campaign promises.
There’s no doubt that Brown has Obama in his sights. He attacked everything that the President is doing and not doing, with simple words that resonated across the gym where thousands of his supporters gathered.
All of his comments hit home as the cheers grew louder but when he made this comment “I’m Scott Brown and I drive a truck” it was as though I was hit with a laser. It’s hard to describe what those simple words meant to me but I can say one thing, it was genius. These simple words just could be the words that carry Scott Brown into the Oval Office.
Simple is what this country is yearning for and simple is what Scott Brown is all about. Simple is not stupid or dumb. Simple, just makes sense for the people of America who have been taken for a ride for way to long.
So, when you see that sign someday “Scott Brown for President” remember, he drives a truck!


Rotti said...

I couldn't agree more. After listening to his speech last night, that was the first thing coming out of my mouth "Wait and see, he'll be president".

Unknown said...

While I donated to Scott Brown to help stop ObamaCare, a prochoice candidate cannot win the GOP nomination in a presidential election.

Anonymous said...

Word of Advice: KEEP THE TRUCK SCOTT!! Don't trade it in for a Limo.

Anonymous said...

Scott..........Keep on Truck'n

Anonymous said...

You guys are over reaching at best. This guys is not a true conservative. Is is right of the Olympia Snow and left of that Nebraska nut! You are better off trying to find a real conservative to run the country and leave Scott Brown to the Senate. In time you will see he is not the end all be all you think he is. Reign in your hero worship, remember that is what Obama's followers did!

Blog Start Date 8/11/09 said...

No hero worshipping here. Just keeping the pressure on the lefties.
General Petraeus is still my pick.

Anonymous said...

Scott Brown is a refreshing new face. Hopefully he means what he says and says what he means. I'm all for change, but it must be the right change. After the dissappointing year with Obama I'm a bit sceptical yet hoping SB will succeed.

Anonymous said...

For the life of me, I don't understand why intelligent, articulate Nicholas is so convinced General Petraeus will be our next president. I am, however, convinced that Obama will not live thru this presidential term. Call it my keen woman's intuition, but mine is 99% accurate.

Blog Start Date 8/11/09 said...

According to the poll on my blog 57% of the almost 1,800 people that took it agree he will not serve out his current term.