Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Phone Call Heard Round the World ! Rush Limbaugh Today !
As you listen to this caller you come away knowing that our side will win.
View all three videos.
Thank You.
Video part 1
Video part 2
Video part 3
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Mr. President - "Lead or Get Out of the Way "

Have You No Shame Mr. President !

Did you see that ? I did ! I know it was fast but it really did happen right in front of you and you missed it.
That's right today, President Obama lateraled off Afghanistan to Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the new Secretary-General of Nato.
Obama, the true liberal that he is figured a way to wiggle his way out of this war. He now plans on blaming its failure on the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. That's right Rasumssen is now the fall guy for the Afghan War along with NATO.
Obama figures, it ain't our war ( US ), its more a European war, so you guys should be fighting it. I thought Europe loved Obama, well they did until today. It looks like Mr. Obamas honeymoon is over with the ever increasingly Muslim, European nations.
Obama knows they can't win the war and he feels the war is not Politically Correct for the 2010 elections and his reelection in 2012. Remember, he is a politician first and could care less about the containment of radical Muslim extremists.
After all he knows that when Afghanistan is retaken by the enemy we will have another terrorist attack and he will use it to consolidate even more power with actions of martial law.
The cowardice actions of this President is beyond belief and threatens America more every day not to mention our troops on the ground of which he is abandoning.
Have you no shame Mr. President !
Monday, September 28, 2009
No Truth To This Story As of 9/29/09 - Reports of Three U.S. Naval Ships Quarantined - Captain and 1st Mate Dead From H1N1 "Swine Flu Vaccine" !

Some Say the Last President That Played This Game Ended Up Dead !

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Bill Clinton What Are You Smokin ?

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Does Biden Have the Courage to Pull the Trigger ?

Don't Ignore These Two Stories, They're Much Bigger Than You Think

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The United Nations - The House of Clowns, Buffoons, Liars and Terrorists

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Bill of Rights Are In Danger !

Monday, September 21, 2009
Barack Obama The Anti-Semite

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Afghanistan is Lost !

Blago's a Dead Man Walking !

When I was a kid I lived just off the southwest runway of Midway Airport. On hot humid late summer days in the afternoon I would peer out at the airport with a clear view of encroaching thunderstorms. The black summer sky was a perfect backdrop for the frequent lightning strikes that would hit in and around the airfield.
Don't File Your Tax Return, Go To Jail - Obama !

George explained to the bewildered President that when you force people to pay for health care it is a tax. He went on to read Webster's definition of the word "tax".
Of course the President blew him off like he was some idiot reporter who just got out of college.
George is no idiot reporter and the President should remember who George is and his past
involvement in the successful election of Bill Clinton.
George is good and today's question opened a window on the Presidents health care plan that he may not be able to shut.
If the $ 3,500 fine for not having health insurance is a tax on all taxpayers over the age of 18 doesn't that make the President a liar?
I thought he told America that he would lower taxes on 95% of us. I did hear that, right ?
Let's not forget that all of this will be reported on your annual income tax return that will have to be filed every year or its a felony. FELONY ! That's right a felony if you don't file. It is a misdemeanor now but when this bill passes it will be a felony not to file your tax return with possible jail sentence.
Welcome to the world of Obama. I wonder how all of the young enthusiastic voters that voted for him like him now? Sorry, twenty somethings, you cant buy that new Iphone or that bag of pot because you have to pay your taxes, oops, sorry, you have to pay your health insurance or go to jail.
Now aren't you glad you voted for this guy?
Saturday, September 19, 2009
CIA To Obama - Back Off or Else !

The former chiefs where discreet enough to release this unified message on a Friday afternoon so as not to get to much of a headline. But, it was hard not to recognize the forceful tone and the importance of this letter to the Obama administration.
The current administration is no friend to either the CIA or the US Military.
We should all know and understand the power centers in Washington. Two of which are the Military and the Federal Reserve. They override any public election. In other words no matter who is in office these two power centers will march to a different drummer. Thus, the retaining of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke.
This American tradition is what drives the " regressive left " crazy. The " regressive left " continues to attack our own defense agencies as though they where the enemy. Don't think the enemies of our country haven't been watching !
This is the fear that is going through the agencies. That an attack could happen now during this very confusing time for our country.
The United States is probably at its most vulnerable point since the days after the Pearl Harbor attack by Japan when our defense in the Pacific was nonexistent.
This show of force by the U.S. Military / CIA is nullifying the use of the Chaney / CIA interrogation investigation by the Attorney Generals office as a hostage for the real investigation in Washington of ACORN.
All in Washington know that the money leads to the intercity democrats in congress, both the house and the senate !
As each State and Federal agency investigates this criminal non-profit organization, people will talk to save their hide. You can rest assure that politicians both state and federal will be looking for a hole to crawl into. The speed at which congress pulled their funding proved that. They are so busted ! YOU BETCHA !
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Nancy Pelosi - The Guillotine is Not Dead

She actually for the first time looked scared.
Well, she should look scared.
Does she really think that the games she and her liberal friends are playing on capital hill, with American families will have no consequences?
HELLO, NANCY, HELLO, ARE YOU LISTENING? The people of America hate you. They know your screwing them and they are furious. Your attitude on TV is so aloof and insensitive, people can see right through your self serving, self centered, egotistical ways.
You see Nancy when people are losing their jobs, their homes and their savings, watching you in your $ 2,000 outfits and your overstretched face lift, telling them that their taxes are going up and they might lose their wonderful medical insurance, you better be scared, big time scared !
Her quivering voice was so pathetic to listen to I prayed that our enemies around the world weren't watching our third in line for the Presidency.
Nancy...., just a little advice from one who knows and has read a little French history. Tone it down baby !
I know you don't realize this because of your egocentric disorder but every time your on TV your screaming " let them eat cake ".
If you think the guillotine is dead, think again !
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
"Former President Jimmy Carter is a Hemorrhoid on the Butt of America"

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thank God For ACORN

This is how it works. The object is to turn federal and state grant monies into campaign contributions. That's what money laundering is in the public sector, turn an apple into a peach. You give the federal and state grant money back to the politician that first gave you the money but your converting it from public funds to campaign fund that the politician can walk away with after he or she retires or decides not to run again.
Can you spell payoff, I can, I just did.
This is corruption at it's worst.
Congressmen from the right are now insisting that Attorney General Eric Holder investigate ACORN under the RICO Act which would classify them as a criminal enterprise similar to the Mafia. Will he ? We will see.
Washington is a tangled web of deals and compromises that with every administration becomes more complicated as the issues become more important.
If you recall, about two weeks ago the Chaney / CIA investigations where picked up by the AG's office. The uproar from the right was thunderous.
Finally, this ACORN explosion has given the right an issue that could unseat many in congress and the left are running scared. I have never seen the congress unfund an organization this fast. I smell a deal coming down the road for the Cheney / CIA issue via ACORN.
It looks like there's a lot of guilt spreading among the honorable men and women of congress? "You betcha".

Does NBC, CBS AND ABC really think America is ignoring the ACORN scandal ? ACORN, a once $ 8.5 billion recipient of stimulus money has as of last night lost almost all of its government funding. That would be like a major bank such as Bank of America losing its government money and closing its doors.
Nevertheless, the three majors wont report this story. More and more the people in America are recognizing that these networks will not report the news that is important to them. Once this trust is gone they are finished as a news source.
Thirty years ago the three major car makers lost the American people by producing cars that just didn't work. They lost the trust of the American people just as the three major networks are doing now.
As the three major car makers know, once you lose the trust of the American people they don't trust you anymore and wont come back.
If they had a revelation and came back into the fold of good news reporting they could save themselves, but will they ? Time will tell, but as each day passes more and more people migrate to the cable news networks from the floundering once Big 3.
Obama Card Check Could be Off the Table in Todays Speech

Monday, September 14, 2009
Don't Worry at Least We'll Have National Health Care to Drain Our Radiation Tumors

This Obama distraction for the American people is obvious to the outside world and they are taking advantage of the distraction.
I think what raddled me most today, more than the ridiculous speech given to Wall Street by the worst friend to capitalism ever by Barak Obama, was the announcement by Hugo Chavez of his $ 2.2 billion arms deal with Russia. This deal includes lots of missiles to destroy Columbia and the start of a nuclear program that of course will lead to a bomb that will threaten the entire region.
As Obama experiments with our economic system and reprimands Wall Street of its excesses, Chavez has plans to make a bomb and float it into New York Harbor as our grand finale. But its OK at least we'll all have a national health care card to get our radiation tumors drained.
North Korea is planning another nuke blast and more missile tests to shake up the Japanese some more. Iran is, oh hell, you know what I'm getting at, this whole world is starting to become a free for all by the bad guys. They know with Obama as President they can do what they want.
I know the left wont like this but you have to admit, this kind of crap didn't happen when Bush was on watch.
Even Al-Qaeda took today to release a message to the world that they are still around and that they watch CNN.
One special note in their message that I found completely amazing was that they have observed that the American government is controlled by Jews. No, say it isn't so, Osama. He must be reading my blog too.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Obama / Chris Kelly ( found dead today ) Connection "Chicago Style" Politics

What does the sudden death of Christopher Kelly, "main bag man" for former Governor Rod Blagojevich have to do with President Obama ? Well, if you know anything of politics " Chicago Style " they all seem to know each other.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Breaking News - Our New American Hero of 48 Hours May Go to Jail

Hannah Giles American Hero - Takes ACORN Down Single Handed

Breaking News - Acorn is Now Out of the US Census

9/11 The Terror Timeline

In 2004 I bought a book called the Terror Timeline by Paul Thompson. He is a Stanford graduate who went to great lengths to compile as much information of pre and post 9/11 events. I found the book to be completely mesmerizing. I actually checked out some of his sources and found them to be correct.
Each page of this book's 568 pages gives so much information about the warning signs and the details of 9/11 that you come away scratching your head asking why know one in either the Bush or the Clinton administrations did anything concrete to prepare for this tragic day.
To this day I still use this book as a source to help connect today's headlines.
I tried to see if Mr. Thompson had a political side to his book but came away seeing only a real researcher looking for answers. Although many have tried to twist his finding, he has stayed true to his material. He reminds me of the old main stream media that went into the world to find the truth instead of pushing a political agenda.
Even after 8 years have past I highly recommend this book for a true view of what happened on September 11, 2001.
So, on the anniversary of that tragic day, it might be wise to pick up a good book we can learn from.
I have listed below YouTube addresses of the authors interview with Peter Coyote if your interested.
Video 1
Thursday, September 10, 2009
"Stevie Wonder Can See This Coming" - Traficant - He's Back !

Only once in a decade comes a congressmen that talks so straight he gets tossed in jail. Jim Traficant (D-Ohio) is back and he's pissed. I have to admit I have the biggest grin on my face while putting this story together. I can remember so many times watching his incredible speeches on the floor of the US Congress. He was better than watching Jay Leno of the Tonight Show.
Well after 7 years in prison he's back to even some scores with some of his arch enemies. It almost reminds me of Jimmy Hoffa after he got out. We all know what happened to him, well we have some idea.
We have to thank Greta Van Susteren for interviewing him tonight on Fox where he had a few words about America and where he thinks it's going.
He felt that America was about to implode and the foreign influences that put him jail are now a danger to America. In his very own words " even Stevie Wonder could see this one coming ". I tend to agree.
Yes, the past election was heavily influenced by foreign money. In the old days it was from Israel but now its coming from the Arab countries too. They have learned the hard way that if you don't get into the American election process you end up short on the stick.
I noted a degree of danger in his tone and expression when relating to the President. His comment that President Obama was walking a tip rope balancing the influence of Israel and the Arabs could be difficult.
I agree with him. This is a dangerous part of the world with some very angry people that would stop at nothing to keep the blood feud going. Taking out a US President by either side would not be cricket but who knows whats coming down the trail. Either way he looked pretty damn serious about it.
All in all it was refreshing to hear his straight shooting style and I hope we see more of him in the future.
He's Losing It - Obama !

Monday, September 7, 2009
Hollywood - What Are We Going to do With You ?

Mark Lloyd Next on the Hit List ? You Betcha !

Boycott Your School Tuesday September 8th - Why ?

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Van Jones is History

Friday, September 4, 2009
The Eagle is Watching - The Eagle is Coming

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
President Obama - Stay Away From Our Children

This will be his first attempt to brain wash your children who can be easily swayed.
This indoctrination will start next Tuesday and it is imperative that all American parents with children in public schools reject this Hitler like program to take over the hearts and minds of your children.
Please pass this notice on to all parents of America.
By pulling your children out of school next Tuesday this will send a signal to the administration that you want politics and politicians out of your schools and out of your children's lives .
This man is a danger to the children of America. Keep America safe for our children.
The Conspiracy of the Obama Administration Part I

I for one have never been a follower of this practice but have been more amazed by the reaction of people to their conclusions no matter how far fetched.
So, not to add more fuel to the fires of major conspiracy theories swirling around the world "I think there is a conspiracy in the world to tie it into a "New World Order".
Is this a Conspiracy or is it a Plan? For the past 20 years the conspiracy theorists have been promoting a "New World Order", words uttered by President George Bush in the early 90's.
That was it, when he spoke those very words the theorists went spinning and haven't stopped since.
You have only to look at today's world events to notice that we are moving closer to a "New World Order".
The G-8 is now the G-20 and will soon be a G-35 (that's the world money people). As that area becomes more united we will come closer to a one world currency.
With the current near economic melt down major economies have rushed faster towards this new order. They could be right that a global regulatory system should be set up to enforce future economic activities.
But, the outpouring of an expansion of this "Order" is being heard from around the globe.
The battle cry seems to be an equalization of all economies, customs and with an emphasis on tolerance of all religions, cultural backgrounds and economic stratus.
To be honest with you this is a big deal and takes a lot of time to wrap your brain around. But, as
I do I find that maybe this is simply a money grab by the have not's from the have's, meaning we in the U.S. giving what we have to the third world.
President Obama is on board for this shift. The idea of what's mine is mine will change to what's yours is mine to give to them the oppressed and down trodden.
Does this all sound familiar, "Socialism"
President Obama with his ties to George Soros and others like him from Europe and around the world are in a break neck process of devaluing your standard of living. Making it more equal to the rest of the worlds standards. This as we all know is much lower than where we are now.
He is hiding all of this under the guise of environmental protection and energy conservation. Don't be fooled by this. Its all part of a Plan to grab more control from the people so the country and its resource can be amalgamated into this " New World Order".
Obama and his friends are planning to make a boat load of money during this transition. George Soros has already walked away with billions on the Petrobras oil deal in Brazil.
I could go on more about the details of the ever expanding web that Obama is weaving in this massive endeavour but that would take more of your already valuable time.
The one thing that you must take away from this article is that, this Plan is not new. It's been tried in individual countries and has failed. It was called communism/socialism.
Underneath the health care bill lays a massive unconstitutional maze of violations of your privacy and civil rights and you must do anything and everything to stop this bill from every seeing the light of day as a law.
This bill will just bring us a step closer to a "New World Order" that we know won't work.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
H1N1 Swine Flu is an Obama Far Left Plan ?