Friday, September 3, 2010

Six Degrees of Barack Obama

By Nicholas Contompasis

It’s been twenty-one months and the über-rich along with most of America who supported the campaign and policies of Barack Obama have finally awoken from the whirl of what should be to what really is. Paul, I mean Barack did it. He successfully convinced all of us he was Paul. Who is Paul? Paul is the main character in the original play “Six Degrees of Separation” written in 1990 by John Guare. You know the movie that made a big star out of Will Smith a relatively unknown black actor at the time.

Like in the movie, Paul convincingly learns all about the people whom he is to take advantage of and does so, while his victims continue with smiles on their faces. Pathetic huh, well take a look in the mirror, are you still smiling? I’m not, for one!

I find it interesting that the play was written in 1990 right around when our young President decided to enter politics, or was he convinced into entering politics? Was it in Bill Ayers’s living room in Chicago after Bill came back from watching “Six Degrees of Separation” that he put together this wild idea of creating “Paul” for the world to know and love? Would it be a new type of politician who had no past that could be criticized and hide the rest? Was this whole idea just a whim at first with no real game plan other than to follow the movie script to its end? Maybe that could explain the fix our country is now in? But it looks as though it’s all been just a remake of a 1992 Hollywood movie, and we all paid dearly for our tickets, didn’t we.

I can just imagine all of them sitting around the old campfire when they go back to Chicago laughing their asses off on how they pulled the scam of the century on the American people.

Now, let’s go back to 1990 thru 1992 and remember what was going on. George H. Bush invaded Iraq, Bill Clinton became President of the United States, Barack Obama entered politics and a play-movie was written by the name of “Six Degrees of Separation. A coincidence? Maybe, but crazier things have happened, haven’t they?

We all do seem to be connected by whatever numbered degree there is, but do we have to lose our intellect along with our ever entangled connections? It seems that we have.


Anonymous said...

leave the House, BARRY, there is room for you in Chicago ........ again and forever.

Anonymous said...

I really think that play was based on Barack Obama. I thought of that the other day while watching an interview of Barack, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith. There was this funny chemistry. And, the timing of the play, etc., it's just a theory, but it makes sense! Just such a shame that he, and his rich entitled cronies lie so much...and don't really care that they do. (Reps&Dems&Others)

Anonymous said...

I really think that play/movie was based on Barack Obama. I thought of that the other day while watching an interview of Barack, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith. There was this funny chemistry. And, the timing of the play, etc., it's just a theory, but it makes sense! Just such a shame that he, and his rich entitled cronies lie so much...and don't really care that they do. (Reps&Dems&Others)

Anonymous said...

I really think that play/movie was based on Barack Obama. I thought of that the other day while watching an interview of Barack, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith. There was this funny chemistry. And, the timing of the play, etc., it's just a theory, but it makes sense! Just such a shame that he, and his rich entitled cronies lie so much...and don't really care that they do. (Reps&Dems&Others)

Anonymous said...

Dont post this-just want to apologize for post-bombing you. Im not used to the system. thx, misschris39. Peace in the Middle East!