Saturday, July 18, 2015

Another Assassinated in Tennessee

What's disturbing about the Muslim terrorist attack in Tennessee this week.
There are a total of 2,200,000 Americans in our military. If one terrorists can kill 5 soldiers, it would only take 440,000 terrorists to wipe out our military.
Now, that may sound far fetched but think of it this way. Are there enough Muslims just in the #UnitedStates to do this? The answer is yes!!!
You have to realize that this Muslim thing is a game, a game of numbers and attrition.
There are an estimated 7,000,000 Muslims in America today and growing much faster then American families.
A poll was taken recently that exposed that 29% of these 7 million would resort to violence if America defamed the so called prophet #Mohammad, which is what I just did.
That 29% totals 2 million Muslims ready, willing and able to do harm against 5 of our members of the military  or civilian population.
That means there are enough angry Muslims just in #America to destroy our "UNARMED" military from within. As you can see the kill ratio wouldn't be 5. It would now only be "1" per angry Muslim.
Well, it sure looks like a cakewalk for the #Muslims unless we Americans wake up and stop this threat.
As the #President lets more and more Muslims into our country we are insuring the eventual destruction of the one thing that keeps us safe, and that's our military. - N.P. #Contompasis

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