Sunday, March 8, 2015


Sorry, but this needs to be repeated again!!!
How to recognize the new international language called Global-Speak.
When MUSLIM terrorists kill Jews in a Kosher deli in Paris, you call them random customers.
When MUSLIM terrorists behead CHRISTIANS on a beach in Libya the headless victims are called citizens.
When a Muslim terrorists kills soldiers at Ft. Hood it's called workplace violence.
Are you getting this?
You see the President doesn't speak English anymore. He speaks Global-Speak.
This is the language of the New World Order. It's meant to be nonspecific. It's meant to be detached from loyalty and obligation.
It's meant to not give a shit!!!
As more and more of our leaders pick up this new language you'll feel even more the disconnect from these bastards that rule us!!!
We're getting close people, real close. - N.P.Contompasis

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