Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Apple Earnings and Gay Politics

Apple made more money than any corporation in history this quarter.
Of course because of this, Apple would normally be a target of OBAMA'S Justice Department, but since its CEO is gay, look who gets a pass.
Don't try this if you're a straight CEO, you could find yourself being charged with some phony trumped up anti-capitalist criminal charge. -  N.P.Contompasis

Monday, January 26, 2015

Lizard Squad Takes Facebook Down Tonight

World’s No.1 social networking website, Facebook on Tuesday suffered a service disruption after the website became unavailable to some users for nearly 20 minutes.
The site was shut down at 11.55 AM and continued for some time. Facebook’s mobile app was also not working.
While accessing the website, some visitors were greeted with the message, “Sorry, something went wrong. We’re working on getting this fixed as soon as we can.”
Facebook, which has 1.32 billion monthly users, did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What a Conservative President Would Mean in 2016

This could be the most important article I’ve written since my prediction of the 2008-09 market crashes and near global economic collapse. Based on global Tweets I’ve received from in-the-know finance people this past weekend it’s obvious now that the world’s economy is heading into the tank. Comment’s like “IMF (International Monetary Fund) says U.S. economy is the only industrial nation showing any sign of life.”  The interesting thing about that statement is that the U.S. economy’s GDP is green only because of an unprecedented spending program by the Government. Without that spending the U.S. economy would be in the tank along with the rest of the world.
There are many out there that may doubt my comments, but today’s release of China’s economic downturn and its revised rapidly declining economy by the IMF points to an ever mounting global catastrophe both economic and social.
The one country that has always been the engine of Capitalism has been the U.S. But, under the current Administration, Capitalism is being smothered with aggressive regulations and penalties that have left Private Sector industries afraid to make a move for fear of massive fines and criminal prosecutions.
Currently, the Obama Administration is in a bear hug with American banks leaving them an empty shell of their past glory. It could be said that banks were and are the problem with our economy, but when you add crony-capitalism (government interference) into the mix you have a socialist based economy with nowhere to go but down.
One should think of our U.S. economy as a lead dog of a sled team. If the lead dog is drugged while headed towards a cliff, disaster is inevitable and that’s exactly where we are now. We need desperately to get that lead dog thinking straight so it can avert the disaster.
One must think beyond our U.S. border to understand what’s really happening globally. Our current Administration especially has moved us at top speed toward an unproven global community that may very well be the worst idea in recorded human history. With the global theme of redistribution of industrial countries assets to third world peoples the whoosh feeling coming out of these industrial economies is frightening.
Proof of this can be found on the eve of President Obama’s State of the Union address where he will propose more entitlements for the masses. Virtually all Conservatives, along with me, see the folly of this move, but there is another way of looking at this handout.
It seems the President is putting the cart before the horse by giving free college and more money to families after filing their tax returns. But, he just may be foretelling the future of America’s middle class. He says he will take from the super-rich and give to the poor and middle class. Have you noticed that the so called middle class are now being lumped into the poor? That inclusion is by design and is proof to main street America that Globalism is affecting the common men and women of America.
Oil prices are the canary in the coalmine. If there’s gas in a coal mine the canary dies and our canary is dead as a doornail. What‘s now pushing our world economies towards disaster is the threat of deflation, lack of price stability on the down side.
When prices of gasoline, food, real estate and everything else that’s sold in the open market decline at a rapid rate people are laid off, profits decline, Capitalist formed companies go bankrupt and an unproven Globalist redistribution scheme starts falling into place.
One word of advice! The 1% wealthy, that’s now being reported, in the world, who now have more than everyone else will be the next leaders of this global rule, simply because when your ever depleting resources are finally gone you’ll be just another number in their brave new world of no war, no luxuries, no social advancements, no nothing!!!!
But, don’t despair, there’s still hope. By rejecting the globalist theme and putting a Conservative President in the White House in 2016, along with a more conservative Congress, we can delay the globalist plot long enough to show the rest of the world they’re going about this the wrong way.
Let’s hope and pray that happens for humanity’s sake. – N.P.Contompasis

Sunday, January 4, 2015

What Amercans Should Worry About

At the turn of the last century fascism and communism were the threats to world peace. World War II ended the threat of fascism and with the fall of the Soviet Union in the late '80s communism was set aside ushering in the "New World Order" spoken by the only world super power's leader George H.W. Bush.
With the acceptance by the West of a non-expansionist communalism, the world moved closer to its desire for a world government led by the United Nations and NATO.
The leaders of nations that bought into Globalist ideals knew the only way they could make it work was to centralize their governments. Through federal regulations and penalties they are slowly intimidating local authorities and municipalities into submission leaving national governments in complete charge.
This last comment is were we are now.
In the past 25 years Globalism has moved swiftly throughout the globe with the formation of an ever-expanding European Union and other regional pacts.
All of this would've never been possible without computers, the Internet and mobile wireless devices spreading the truth and centralized government propaganda agendas.
The American people have always been the ones that dragged there feet in buying into this bigger is better idea. Because of the nature of America's electorate a fierce resistance developed from the naturally self-reliant people of America.
With the election and reelection of Barack Obama Globalists for the past 7 years have had a nearly full reign over the nationalization of all sectors of our once Capitalistic economy.
By taking over the healthcare industry (ObamaCare), over-regulating the capital formation sector with the  Dodd-Frank Act (Wall Street) and refusing to creat jobs thus forcing many onto government dependency, the Obama regime has nearly successfully contributed to the demasculinization of America. In plain English, they cut our balls off.
At one time I thought of Mr. Obama as a minimalist, but after observing his actions over the past 7 years he wasn't Obama the minimalist, it was his actions that were. He personally was far from a minimalist.
His actions of minimizing America elevated the Globalist government of the United Nations, the E.U. and NATO.
All of this is fine if you're a Globalist, but if you believe in American exceptionalism, our Constitution and everything that comes along with it, you're preparing for a civil war.
Many of you are aware of what I'm discussing, but many aren't. You see much of this has been missed by most, that's why it's been working. They aren't advertising this.
Both Republicans and Democrats at the national level wouldn't dare tell you we're taking over your state governments.
But that's exactly what they're doing and you should be very concerned.
- N.P.Contompasisr