Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Why Chicago Mr. Obama?

Why Chicago Mr. Obama? No Better Place to Start the Destruction of America!
Why does every radical group in America call Chicago home? Calypso Louie, Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam loves his Windy City. The Socialist Party of America for over a hundred years has based the majority of their operations out of Chicago. Reverend Wright a black liberation theology minister loves Chicago. He is a mentor and a very strong influence on President Obama’s left leaning policies. Historically Chicago has had a long and deep trend of left-wing radicalism. You can trace it back to 1871, when Mary Harris Jones lost everything she owned in the Great Chicago Fire. Suddenly destitute, she joined the Knights of Labor, beginning a legendary organizing career that would earn her the nickname “Mother” Jones.
A decade-and-a-half later, a strike for an eight-hour day led to a riot resulting in the deaths of seven police officers and four civilians, after someone threw a bomb in Haymarket Square. Four anarchists were hanged as a result.
The 1919 steel strike, which was crushed when steel companies plotted native-born workers against immigrants, was planned here in Chicago.
And, of course, the most famous demonstration of the anti-war movement took place in Grant Park, during the 1968 Democratic National Convention. This was followed, the next year, by the Days of Rage, when members of the Weather Underground rampaged through the Gold Coast, smashing windows.
The Haymarket Martyrs, as the four hanged anarchists came to be known, inspired a monument in Forest Park’s Waldheim/Forest Home Cemetery, which is the resting home of so many political dissidents
Lucy Parsons, a black seamstress who joined the International Workers of the World and the Communist Party after her white husband, Albert, was hanged for the Haymarket affair.
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, a chairwoman of the Communist Party USA, who died in the Soviet Union, where she was given a state funeral.
William L. Patterson, head of International Labor Defense, which represented radicals and African-Americans it believed faced persecution.
William Z. Foster, who attempted organize Chicago’s packinghouse workers during World War I, and plotted the failed steel strike of 1919, which began in South Chicago and Gary, and spread to Pennsylvania’s Monongahela Valley.
As you can see radical is synonymous with Chicago.
Radical Saul Alinsky was from Chicago as was President Obama’s grandfather and Frank Marshall who both had a strong influence on President Obama’s radical thinking.
Even the mob boss Al Capone realized so many years ago that Chicago was corrupt enough and just far enough from Washington to start and get away with any criminal or political atrocity.
So, after a hundred years of these radical smoldering embers in Chicago they produced Barack Hussein Obama. – N.P.Contompasis

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