This information was just pulled off the News Wires. It appears that President Obama has had a breach in his security again. First the party crashers and now we have the President's candid emails besmirching Senator John McCain along with half of the American people and all of the military. He mentions in the included email that half of the American people are sniffing carbon monoxide. In other words, they are all high on fumes because they don’t think that gays should serve openly in the military. Something even the military agrees with. Hmm... interesting, I guess this means that the President thinks the military is high on the same fumes.
He also mentions John McCain’s crippled arms from hanging by them for days in the Hanoi Hilton handicapped him from defending himself in a snowball fight by the west wing staff.
Hmm... again, not very presidential, Mr. President and pretty damn stupid.
All the president's emails: Sasha Obama; Robert Gates; the White House staff
Oliver Burkeman
The Guardian Features Sun 14 Feb 2010 21:00 GMT
In a unique experiment in democratic transparency, Barack Obama – a BlackBerry owner, and the first American president to use email while in office – has agreed to copy G2 in on his otherwise highly confidential electronic communications. Each week, we present a selection from recent days:
To: Sasha Obama Subject: Re: Hillary
Sweetie, that was such a lovely thought of yours to send a little note to Hillary saying how pleased you were that Bill was out of the hospital in time for them to spend Valentine's Day together! I'm sure it'll be much appreciated. Now, just to explain about the Clintons, I'm not sure whether they actually will be spending Valentine's Day together, like your mom and me. But that's just because they're both very busy people, so sometimes it's hard for them to see each other as much as they'd like!
xx Dad
To: Sasha Obama Subject: Re: Re: Hillary
Yeah, that's a fair point – your mom and I are very busy people too. Look, I'll try to explain the difference sometime. Don't worry for now. xx
To: Robert Gates Subject: Re: New CBS poll on Don't Ask Don't Tell etc
Wait, wait, what? A much larger proportion of Americans support "gay men and lesbians" serving openly in the military than "homosexuals" serving openly in the military? That's ridiculous. Sometimes I think half the people in this country need to check their homes for low-level carbon monoxide leakages. So do you think we could push this through with 100% Republican support if we said it was about "confirmed bachelors" and "ladies with close female companions"? Jeez. BHO
To: All White House StaffSubject: Snow closures
All — We seem to be through the worst of this now, and I'll expect everyone to be at work as usual from tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, though I'm sure we all had a good chuckle at Harry's joke about how a bit of snow was no worse than the Republicans when it came to paralysing Capitol Hill – nice one Harry! – I'd also urge a return to the due seriousness of government. Whoever threw a snowball at John McCain out of the East Wing window yesterday was out of order: he can only throw underarm, so he could hardly be expected to defend himself. I know it's hard to retain one's composure when every other GOP senator is claiming that the snow proves Al Gore was lying about global warming. But we need to set an example, and calm down. The Dalai Lama is visiting next week, which should help – the world's two calmest leaders under one roof
Warmly (!), Barack
He also mentions John McCain’s crippled arms from hanging by them for days in the Hanoi Hilton handicapped him from defending himself in a snowball fight by the west wing staff.
Hmm... again, not very presidential, Mr. President and pretty damn stupid.
All the president's emails: Sasha Obama; Robert Gates; the White House staff
Oliver Burkeman
The Guardian Features Sun 14 Feb 2010 21:00 GMT
In a unique experiment in democratic transparency, Barack Obama – a BlackBerry owner, and the first American president to use email while in office – has agreed to copy G2 in on his otherwise highly confidential electronic communications. Each week, we present a selection from recent days:
To: Sasha Obama Subject: Re: Hillary
Sweetie, that was such a lovely thought of yours to send a little note to Hillary saying how pleased you were that Bill was out of the hospital in time for them to spend Valentine's Day together! I'm sure it'll be much appreciated. Now, just to explain about the Clintons, I'm not sure whether they actually will be spending Valentine's Day together, like your mom and me. But that's just because they're both very busy people, so sometimes it's hard for them to see each other as much as they'd like!
xx Dad
To: Sasha Obama Subject: Re: Re: Hillary
Yeah, that's a fair point – your mom and I are very busy people too. Look, I'll try to explain the difference sometime. Don't worry for now. xx
To: Robert Gates Subject: Re: New CBS poll on Don't Ask Don't Tell etc
Wait, wait, what? A much larger proportion of Americans support "gay men and lesbians" serving openly in the military than "homosexuals" serving openly in the military? That's ridiculous. Sometimes I think half the people in this country need to check their homes for low-level carbon monoxide leakages. So do you think we could push this through with 100% Republican support if we said it was about "confirmed bachelors" and "ladies with close female companions"? Jeez. BHO
To: All White House StaffSubject: Snow closures
All — We seem to be through the worst of this now, and I'll expect everyone to be at work as usual from tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, though I'm sure we all had a good chuckle at Harry's joke about how a bit of snow was no worse than the Republicans when it came to paralysing Capitol Hill – nice one Harry! – I'd also urge a return to the due seriousness of government. Whoever threw a snowball at John McCain out of the East Wing window yesterday was out of order: he can only throw underarm, so he could hardly be expected to defend himself. I know it's hard to retain one's composure when every other GOP senator is claiming that the snow proves Al Gore was lying about global warming. But we need to set an example, and calm down. The Dalai Lama is visiting next week, which should help – the world's two calmest leaders under one roof
Warmly (!), Barack
How come we're not reading about this in the paper?
John Brennan is actually comparing the everyday common criminal to that of Al-Qaeda? We are so
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