Friday, October 9, 2009

The Nobel Obama

I woke up this morning in a pool of sweat from a nightmare in which President Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize for killing 300,000,000 Americans. I was relieved after a few seconds realizing that it was just a bad dream until I looked at my IPhone and read the news of him actually getting the Prize for Peace.

Peace ! What Peace ? Detroit with its 30% unemployment has turned into a battle ground of black on black murders. Now, we have people waiting in lines for food and money reminiscent of the Great Depression. For the record Detroit's unemployment is much higher than any number during that period. All of this happening while the Nobel Obama does nothing.

Peace ! What Peace ? As unemployment increases to 25% for American youth this powder keg is ready to blow and turn our streets into a sea of discontent and crime while the Nobel Obama does nothing.

Peace ! What Peace ? Ask Al Qaeda and the Taliban about peace as they continue to blow people up while the Nobel Obama does nothing.

Peace ! What Peace ? Ask Israel about peace. With the country that has vowed to destroy it about to acquire nuclear weapons the Nobel Obama does nothing.

Peace ! What Peace ? As the proud people of Iran fight in the streets against the tyrant mullahs the Nobel Obama does nothing.

Peace ! What Peace ? Ask the people of Honduras about the support they should have from the Nobel Obama who does nothing.

You see the Nobel Obama does nothing because he is waiting for his Prize. Again it's all about him. As people die and are threatened more and more, the Nobel Obama does nothing.
He lowers our defenses and empowers our enemies by doing nothing as our country of 300,000,000 heads straight into the jaws of hell, while the Nobel Obama does nothing.


Anonymous said...

I wonder what he'll do with the $1.4 million prize money.

Anonymous said...

I wonder no longer........the prize money will be donated to charity. Congratulations Mr. President!!!