Friday, October 30, 2009

Bush Never Brought the Cameras to Dover !

Yesterday, in the early A.M. President Obama flew by White House helicopter to Dover Delaware to view the incoming U.S. dead from Afghanistan, "that he killed".

With White House photographers in tow, he used the dead bodies of our, "not his", fallen soldiers to propagandize his so called sorrow.

Since September 16th we have lost 96 U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. The 16th is the date that he was informed by his "commander in field" that reinforcements had to be sent "as soon as possible".
So, now we have approximately 192 mothers and fathers that have been given the unfortunate news that their sons and daughters have died because of his lack of concern.
That's wonderful Mr. President, as Dick Cheney well coined, "your dithering" is killing our sons and daughters.
Its time to do something with "the plan" you were given almost a year ago.
Today, through the very articulate voice of Liz Cheney, she revealed that President Bush made this very same visit to Dover many times over the years to show respect and honor for our fallen soldiers. Has anyone reported this? No, of course not. Because President Bush knew it would be wrong to use this event as a political ploy.
But this Marxist President makes one trip to Dover and brings the propaganda cameras to spread his lies and disingenuous feelings. He is not my leader! He is not your leader! He is not a President and he is not a American!

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