Breaking news update 5/2/10 - Coming out of Switzerland newspaper Le Matin will be releasing videos and emails showing Obama and Baker in compromising positions. The emails are supposed to prove of the affair back in 2004. They say the videos and emails will be released soon.
This story is no surprise to me but it seems that finally the media is ready to tackle this one head on. On the front page of The National Inquirer is a lead story titled “Obama’s Cheating Scandal : Shocking New Report.” I know it’s the National Inquirer, but you have to remember they are the ones that broke the John Edwards love child scandal two years ago which most blew off because of the source. Now, everyone is paying attention, finally. The National Inquirer timed thier piece perfectly with The White House Correspondents' Dinner meeting this evening in Washington. Hundreds of the media elite use this dinner to hobnob with the President and other elected officials. If you want to get the main stream media’s attention this is how you do it.
I researched this story 6 months ago and came away thinking that it could be true, but it would take a bigger budget than mine to dig up more facts. Since the NI is now involved expect fireworks from this one. Michelle Obama is not the type that will be humiliated by her cheating husband like Hilary. Expect WWIII coming out of the White House or should we call it the Red House, now.
Obama’s alleged affair with Vera Baker, a fund raiser back in 2004, is now front and center with the American people and they just won’t look the other way. This is the type of juicy story everyone loves, especially the Right. This President has been called just about everything in the book, but when it came to his family he still is admired for his good father and husband qualities. These qualities appear to be the last of any form of character he has left. Now even they are in jeopardy.
I must report to you that on December 9, 2009 I published an article titled “The Obama – Rogers Affair?” Link http://shutking.blogspot.com/2009/12/obama-rogers-affair.html . In this article I mentioned a possible affair with Desiree Rogers, White House social secretary, that shamefully lost her job for jeopardizing the safety of the President and his guest, the Prime Minister of India. As you may remember it involved the two party crashers who were without invite.
This is when things get a little spooky. I remember shortly after posting the article getting many hits from the island of Martinique, which I thought was a bit strange and simply a first for my blog. So I filed it way thinking it may be a retiree from Chicago who is interested in dirt involving Obama. As I later investigated Obama’s relationship with Vera Baker I found out that Michelle had her banished to the Caribbean, specifically Martinique. It was rumored that she was with child and had to leave the scene ASAP so as not to embarrass Michelle and the Senator. You have to ask yourself why would she leave the country if she wasn’t paid off and told to stay away.
So that’s when my antennas went up. What if it was her that was jealously checking on the father of her child? Vera is no dummy, she’s on the net, you can count on that. Island life can be confining. Now, I have her ISP address for those hits and I will be reporting to you soon on what I find out. In preparing this piece I was given further information that Vera was on the Chicago Municipal payroll till 2008. Now how can she be on the payroll and be in Martinique. If this is so, that means that Mayor Daily is involved, right?
I researched this story 6 months ago and came away thinking that it could be true, but it would take a bigger budget than mine to dig up more facts. Since the NI is now involved expect fireworks from this one. Michelle Obama is not the type that will be humiliated by her cheating husband like Hilary. Expect WWIII coming out of the White House or should we call it the Red House, now.
Obama’s alleged affair with Vera Baker, a fund raiser back in 2004, is now front and center with the American people and they just won’t look the other way. This is the type of juicy story everyone loves, especially the Right. This President has been called just about everything in the book, but when it came to his family he still is admired for his good father and husband qualities. These qualities appear to be the last of any form of character he has left. Now even they are in jeopardy.
I must report to you that on December 9, 2009 I published an article titled “The Obama – Rogers Affair?” Link http://shutking.blogspot.com/2009/12/obama-rogers-affair.html . In this article I mentioned a possible affair with Desiree Rogers, White House social secretary, that shamefully lost her job for jeopardizing the safety of the President and his guest, the Prime Minister of India. As you may remember it involved the two party crashers who were without invite.
This is when things get a little spooky. I remember shortly after posting the article getting many hits from the island of Martinique, which I thought was a bit strange and simply a first for my blog. So I filed it way thinking it may be a retiree from Chicago who is interested in dirt involving Obama. As I later investigated Obama’s relationship with Vera Baker I found out that Michelle had her banished to the Caribbean, specifically Martinique. It was rumored that she was with child and had to leave the scene ASAP so as not to embarrass Michelle and the Senator. You have to ask yourself why would she leave the country if she wasn’t paid off and told to stay away.
So that’s when my antennas went up. What if it was her that was jealously checking on the father of her child? Vera is no dummy, she’s on the net, you can count on that. Island life can be confining. Now, I have her ISP address for those hits and I will be reporting to you soon on what I find out. In preparing this piece I was given further information that Vera was on the Chicago Municipal payroll till 2008. Now how can she be on the payroll and be in Martinique. If this is so, that means that Mayor Daily is involved, right?
Stay tuned the plot thickens.
this is why people like you get sued. If you had done a little tiny bit of research you'd know like I do that VERA BAKER has been in Washington AT LEAST SINCE MAY 2009!!! So if as you say with bated breath-you got hits from Martinique-it wasn't from the Vera Baker related to this story. Check out her bio from a Chicago story:
look...she's working for the new Chicago senator-she ain't hiding. For a whole year! And she's TAKEN ON THE LAST NAME OF THE MAN SHE MOVED TO MARTINIQUE WITH-Marc MERLINI. Get it??? She moved there in 2006-so the baby is what-4 or 5? Guess what-NOT.
Thx for the info. So where was she from 2004 to May 2009? Does she have a child now? Again you can a job in Washington and not be there. Right!
Did she get paid by Chicago from 2004 to 2008? My sources say yes, what say you? Michelle wanted her gone and she was......
What say you?
where was she? well in the period after she left the campaign (which happens with finance directors all the time you know) she went to New York and then to Martinique. I don't know the timeline. It's not important. The point is-she is now working in D.C. and has been for over a year. So that wasn't her who was checking out your page from Martinique.
P.S. yes she has a child. Read this story from this site:
these are political people in the know-they worked for Hillary and are bitter about her losing. This Vera Baker (Vera Baker Merlini) did not have an affair w/Obama. Maybe she has a clone somewhere? Look people make stuff up-the limo driver was just suspicious of Obama. Remember all the rumors of the "whitey tape" by Michelle Obama that never happened? Let the give you some sources w/names who will talk and did talk to THEM. And pics and other stuff. The John Edwards story had been rumored from other sites-there was suspicion about webisodes Rielle did for his campaign and she wasn't even a professional videographer. As they spread-the videos were removed from the web. NI just followed thru on the rumors-they'd been out there a while. Page Six had reported the two met in a bar b4 NI.
Thx again for your information. It's very helpful since your much closer to this story.
The problem with all of this speculation is due to Obama's secrecy about his past. It just leads to much too much speculation about his personal life.
This guy is scaring the hell out of most Americans and it shouldn't be that way. It all points to something that's seriously wrong.
Again, thanks and please interject whenever possible.
so because he doesn't tell us everything about his past personal life-who he dated etc then it's right to make up stuff? I don't get this. Maybe he doesn't want to hurt Michelle with info about women in dated before in the public-you know there'll be comparisons about who looks better and Michelle will suffer. Obama is very protective of his family. You can't just slander somebody for that reason. Let's wait (which we've been doing since this non story broke in 2008) for some proof. Obama riding around to fundraisers with finance directors and being taken to hotels prove nothing. Penny Pritzker used to pick him up at Chicago O'Hara ALL THE TIME and drive him to numerous fundraisers in hotels, restaurants , homes, you name it. His CURRENT social secretary and former national finance dir Julianna Smoot talked about how she rode around to fundraisers w/Obama and how they'd be calling people asking for money as they drove around. All pols do this-and they end up at hotels w/female aids for mtgs, all kinds of stuff. This is proof of nothing right now and the woman and her lawyer denied this story from the jump. The ONLY thing that'll prove it really is a tape of them doing the do and that's not likely. So until she or her friends (like Tiger's girlfriends and Rielle's girlfriends) start spilling the beans and talking and identifying themselves this just isn't enough to confirm.
I know it's late back there in Michigan. Get some sleep and we'll dive into this tomorrow.
Thx again.
You might want to check out this link. This is from a good source. We will soon see videos and emails per the article from Europe. Trust me there's sombody out there that wants to bring Obama and his crook down. This seems to be coming from the same area that the climate change emails came from.
@CLAWBACK1 Swiss paper Le Matin is said 2 have video surveillance & emails coming out soon: http://is.gd/bQHlr Avail inline no translatn tho
Or, could all of this be happening to quiet rumors of obama's homosexual tendencies? Let's not forget Larry Sinclair & what they have done to silence him. Personally I believe Larry's story. 'Barack Obama and Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?'
oh lawd! You believe that - career defrauder, chronic liar and prison resident for his a whole lot of his life plus wanted for fraud in Colorado-too?
I see why people are so easily divested of money in fraud schemes etc. You've got to learn to be more sceptical.
And to the person talking about these supposed emails-I say let 'em it bring it! Again-Vera Baker Merlini is now a happily married woman w/child who's working for the current Roland Burris as his deputy chief of staff so let's get this show on the road if there's gonna be one. Don't talk about what they "will soon have" or what may be found. That is conviction by innuendo. You need rock solid proof to bring the President of the U.S.A. down.
Hello hello??? Anybody home? Gotta link to this "breaking news" story out of this Switzerland newspaper? Shouldn't be hard for a hard driving investigative blogger like yourself who's posting links on Twitter of breaking news updates on this non story to obtain a l'il ol' link now would it? Try to be more thorough in your research-isn't that what lead to your breathless reporting of an IP address from Martinique that may have been Vera Baker Merlini being proved WRONG since she's been in the States since at least May 2009. U.S. Senator R. Burris is paying her a salary and you know what? She's got an e-mail and phone listing. Why don't you contact her? But be careful...she's lawyered up. You see, she did that the first time this story broke-and threatened to sue The Daily Mail.
Wow! The die hard Obama fans will excuse this behavior just like with Clinton. They have no morals so to them,it means nothing. It's just an inconvenience that he got caught. Love how Anonymous slips in a little subtle threat that you should "be careful." I will never understand these people.What do they tell their children? It's ok to get married and cheat on your spouse,just don't get caught? Lie as much as you need to just don't get caught? I hope this story is not true. Obama is the worst president ever but his children are innocent and don't deserve this.
to schnoepoe
How in the heck am I EXCUSING behavior we don't have proof existed???? What? Bill Clinton-from the very moment he exploded on the scene had all kinds of women coming out saying he'd been too close to them-have you heard ONE WOMAN make that claim about Obama??
And Vera Baker has DENIED it happened. So if you want to base it on unnamed sources, vague suspicions from limo drivers who refuse to go on the record like Vera DID, then I got a Michelle Obama whitey tape, a Michelle Obama phone call to an obscure Kenyan blogger in which she yells and gives up state secrets to him,and a Larry Sinclair who has schemed on a made up story for three years making thousands of dollars off of gullible Obama haters with unsubstantiad claims. We're talking about the President of the U.S. the most powerful man in the world. The office, if not him deserves respect. You don't take him down with back door whispers and people who won't come forward, show their face and make the claim they're doing behind Obama's and Baker's back. One thing about the Edwards and Tiger Woods story-they had friends, staffers etc who were willing and did go on PUBLIC record about their claims. Read National Enquirer's 1st story on Edwards-it's full of details about Hunter from her friends, from Page Six, a whole of info. This article is vague and full of innuendo-if we CAN find a security tape we can prove it. If we find somebody who'll come forward for A MILLION DOLLARS w/info we can prove it! And we're supposed to just accept this crap as fact? Shouldn't a man (or woman) have the right to stand before their accusor? This is America right? Just because you're the President that right doesn't apply to him? If their are people with knowledge then come forward and stop skulking around selling stories to the Globe with rumors and hints. If there's a videotape or pictures or emails-show 'em. That's all I'm sayin. And if that happens you can bet I won't excuse it
Ditto the above comment.
I love to believe anything garbage about Obama whose past is nothing but mud and dirt! The more dirt i hear of him , the better. Why can't he for a change tell the truth about himself? And you, Anonymous, why can't you be known? Aha, I know, you are just as mud and dirty like him. How much are you paid to defend his unknown life and muddy life. Tell me the truth, is Obama bisexual or homosexual, you seem to hide and cover up for him!
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