Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Breaking News - Nancy Pelosi - Just Confirmed She is Minority Leader

Borrowed from the San Francisco Chronicle - Thank You

A reporter just got back from the Black Congressional Caucus confab in Las Vegas, where the skinny was that the deal for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi becoming the new minority leader was sealed during a private sit-down Wednesday with fellow Democrat Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland.
At the meeting, Hoyer, who was seen by some of the more conservative Democrats as the most likely replacement for Pelosi, said he wouldn't challenge her.
As caucus meetings go, the gathering at Caesars Palace was on the somber side. On the one hand, the caucus could boast of adding two new members elected from the South. On the other hand, many of the leaders saw their roles diminish as powerful committee chairs vanish in the wake of the Republican wave that took control of the House.

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