America Hates You Now Michelle - You Stepped Over The Line
So she wasn't proud of her country until she started taking your money for lavish vacations while Americans go hungry. Remember this on Election Day. God bless America, God help America.......
I am so very glad somebody has the nerve to "say" this aloud.
for the first time in my adult life, i am ASHAMED of the FIRST LADY of my country... she needs to take lessons from the Mrs. Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan,Bush,and Bush...may not have agreed with their husbands politics... but they all knew how to handle the responsibility of their office...
She's just a crude acting racist with a chip on her shoulder. Acting like she's something special. Enjoy Michelle, cause your ass will be back in Chicago soon enough.
To the last Anonymous There is always the deal breaker, the straw that breaks the camel's back, that last step that shouldn't have been taken. That's where Michelle Obama is now with the American people with her very expensive trip to Spain. A similar occurrance has happened with the esteemed mayor of New York Bloomberg. The American people are so agry right now they are "NOT TAKING PRISONERS."
She reminds me of Marie Antoinette. Jetting off to Spain while people here at home haven't been able to take their kids anywhere on vacation this year, or last year and probably not next year either...
Wow, I never liked the woman from the very start. She never concealed too well the fact that she harbors a lot of resentment and supports causes that appear to be only for her people. I never knew just how must disdain so many had towards her. Oh but I'm sure those ridiculous women on "The View" will defend her obnoxious behavior.
Nicholas, Are you mentally challenged by chance? You latest post is backwards it's the republicans that don't want to help those that are going hungry, or 9/11 responders, or veterans..
They can start the war(s) but fuck all the grunts fighting it!
This is so stupid. It doesnt matter who is in office. Someone or Some People will always bitch about everything...Left, Right.. it doesnt matter...All the same bullshit year after year.. and yet the people who have to suffer are the idiots who act like they know everything about the government because of Fox news and CNN... pathetic.
I've seen better arms on a chair!!WHO CARES about Michelle's arms when her husband, OSAMA OBAMA is giving our country away-WAKE UP AMERICANS-IT IS HAPPENING NOW!!
I am so very glad somebody has the nerve to "say" this aloud.
shame shame shame on you Michelle.
for the first time in my adult life, i am ASHAMED of the FIRST LADY of my country... she needs to take lessons from the Mrs. Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan,Bush,and Bush...may not have agreed with their husbands politics... but they all knew how to handle the responsibility of their office...
She's just a crude acting racist with a chip on her shoulder. Acting like she's something special.
Enjoy Michelle, cause your ass will be back in Chicago soon enough.
This didn't change anything for me. I always hated her. She is a stupid, arrogant racist.
Did I miss something in the news that triggered this?
To the last Anonymous
There is always the deal breaker, the straw that breaks the camel's back, that last step that shouldn't have been taken. That's where Michelle Obama is now with the American people with her very expensive trip to Spain.
A similar occurrance has happened with the esteemed mayor of New York Bloomberg.
The American people are so agry right now they are "NOT TAKING PRISONERS."
You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear!
She is a classless, racist, two-faced ellitist. Who really cares about her beautifully sculpted arms?
Enjoy our money while you have it!
What a classless person! I hope she does not get fat(er) eating all of that 5 star Spanish food. We would not want her to be a hypocrite or anything!
She reminds me of Marie Antoinette. Jetting off to Spain while people here at home haven't been able to take their kids anywhere on vacation this year, or last year and probably not next year either...
Wow, I never liked the woman from the very start. She never concealed too well the fact that she harbors a lot of resentment and supports causes that appear to be only for her people. I never knew just how must disdain so many had towards her. Oh but I'm sure those ridiculous women on "The View" will defend her obnoxious behavior.
She plants a garden at the Whitehouse and thinks this gives her a platform to talk about obesity? Give me a break.
Are you mentally challenged by chance?
You latest post is backwards it's the republicans that don't want to help those that are going hungry, or 9/11 responders, or veterans..
They can start the war(s) but fuck all the grunts fighting it!
Uhhh can you say PHOTOSHOP??
This is so stupid. It doesnt matter who is in office. Someone or Some People will always bitch about everything...Left, Right.. it doesnt matter...All the same bullshit year after year.. and yet the people who have to suffer are the idiots who act like they know everything about the government because of Fox news and CNN... pathetic.
I've seen better arms on a chair!!WHO CARES about Michelle's arms when her husband, OSAMA OBAMA is giving our country away-WAKE UP AMERICANS-IT IS HAPPENING NOW!!
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