Sunday, August 15, 2010

This Alleged Muslim Religion is Not Acceptable in the United States

I want to state this as clearly as possible so there’s no mistake in understanding what I’m saying. Politicians in the United States are about to hit a wall that will test their patriotism. The flash point that is now in every American’s face is the building of the Ground Zero Mosque. Most politicians so far have tiptoed around the problem, but now the American people have made it their number one issue. The litmus test for politicians will be patriotism, plain and simple. If you don’t appear patriotic you won’t win an election. As politicians around the country confer with their political consultants, this is now the main answer they have to resolve. Americans have watched what has happened to Mayor Bloomberg of New York City and now the President of the United States coming out in favor of the mosque. They have both shot themselves in the foot and may have critically wounded their political careers while coming out against the will of the American people, which is to stop the building of this mosque. They both now are perceived as unpatriotic.
With that said, it should be understood that the alleged Muslim religion in its current form is not acceptable to American law, culture or the maintenance of civil order. It’s more like fitting a round peg into a square hole, it just won’t work. For it to work, like any similar situation, the edges have to be sanded down if it’s expected to fit into a modern society such as ours. Thus, my conclusion, the alleged religion itself should not be legally recognized as a religion but more as an all encompassing guideline to life (Sharia Law). Sharia Law is not in any way shape or form a part of the American legal system. As we all know our laws here in the United States are based on centuries of tested Judeo-Christian case law, not Islam or Islamic culture. This is the part where politicians just don’t get it. If you back the building of this mosque the American people will reject you and your future in American politics will be short.
Logically moving on, the alleged religion would not be afforded the normal protections under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. This is where constitutional lawyers will be able to dissect and test every guidepost that’s now part of Sharia Law. This will be a long and difficult battle for the American people but will sand down the edges of the alleged religion thus eventually exposing the true fundamental pillars of a real Muslim religion that could fit into a modern society. Like a rotting onion that can’t adapt to the twenty-first century, the alleged Muslim religion’s horrific outer layers need to be peeled off so the rest of the world is able to live with them in peaceful harmony. It would than allow the millions of followers of this movement to assimilate into a modern American society. Of course, this would all be dependent upon the makeup of our Supreme Court. This alleged religion could conversely be, in fact, deemed a massive worldwide cult that we have many laws against. So, as you see this battle will last as long as there is the war on terror. The next question for all will be, do the American people have the resolve to defend their way of life or will they switch on their IPod’s and tune out while their society is taken over by a worldwide Islamic revolution? This is why patriotism will be the one word that will dominate the midterm elections and eventually the Presidential race in 2012.


Adam B. said...

I read your post and I understand what you are trying to say. However, I think you misinterpret the constitution of the United States. The founders of this country may have been Christians, but their intent was clear that no established religion should encounter bias over any other. Certain elements of extremists groups may happen to overlap with the general idea of Islam, but that does not mean that the long-established religion of Islam itself (deemed "peaceful" by George W. Bush himself) is in defiance of any American law. Further, the issue of the proposed Islamic center near ground-zero is really a local matter at heart. that is, from a legal perspective. Conservatives have long fought for the rights of local governments to make decisions for themselves. In this light, what right have anyone but the concerned citizens of New York have to argue on this issue?

Blog Start Date 8/11/09 said...

Yes, I hear you. Unfortunately, this group of people are not acting like a religion or haven't you noticed. Yeah know if it quacks like a terrorist organization that wants to take over your country, it sure as hell is one and short of executing every last one of these son-of-Bitches I'm proposing a civilized way of excepting them into the fold as long as they behave. Get it? No more games. The games are over.

spongedocks said...

This is to Adam B. I am quite frankly tired of people saying the Mosque thing is a local matter. 9-11 was an event that happened in 3 separate locations in our country and the key word here is 'our'. Sure the Mosque in question is over a NY location, but NY is a sister state to all other states. There are mosques in other cities across the country and I know for a fact 3 cities with Mosques have citizens that are terrified with the potential risks. We cannot forget the Ft. Hood shooter and his Imam, who is to say what and where a new Imam may be from for the GZM? The attack on Pearl Harbor is no different, the Japanese would NEVER think to build a Japanese Memorial there. I'm also guessing that due to your post you have no concern about the events of the Gulf of Mexico or those of the borders of the Southern States. American is not only a country but it is the spirit of America that makes her great, we must defend her within all borders.

Adam B. said...

I suppose nobody on this blog has the ability to distinguish between terrorists who are following an extreme and, by all accounts, incorrect interpretation of Islam and those who follow the true tenants of the teachings of Muhammad, which happen to be very peaceful. I would have a very different opinion if someone were proposing the building of an al-qaeda education center. Of course I would think that was insensitive. An Islamic cultural center and mosque is not the same thing. I don't think it is good for us to circumvent the various religious protections in the constitution just because it is culturally convenient. There cannot be a double-standard on freedoms such as the right to practice religion. Wouldn't you feel better if individuals expressing an interest in Islam could go to a place where they could learn the true teachings of a mostly peaceful faith? It would be better than these individuals forced to learn of Islam from places like the internet where extremist and fundamentalists teachings are wrong, but readily available.

Blog Start Date 8/11/09 said...

Dear Adam B.
I swear this is like talking to a child who doesn't read the world wide news. The religion is contaminated. They are blowing up innocent civilians around the world and you act like they're harmless. Gezzz man get a grip. When their own people start policing these crazies and when they start joining us against them then I'll cut em a break but not until.
Man you really are clueless. Sorry to say. You sound intelligent just maybe too young.

Brian M. said...


I don't think you do read the worldwide news. You pretend to believe that it's only Muslims who are killing innocent people worldwide. Maybe you should get a grip.

Anonymous said...

I have to say I agree with Adam, this religion will have to prove themselves to all of us and I'm sick of the PC. We need to stand up for what we believe in, well it was Obama who gave his speech in Georgetown and requested to cover up IHS which represents Jesus and all the signs and symbols of Christianity so he wouldn't offend anyone, but what about the majority that he offended? We the people have to draw a line in the sand and say "STOP, ENOUGH!

Patti-Ann said...

Irrational actions cannot be argued with logical thinking. Obama hosts the Muslim Prayer Breakfast in the White House and cancels the National Day of Prayer. As I recall there is a separation of church and state and Obama seems to succeed in picking and choosing constitutional ethics. Either host both events or none. Muslims from all over the world are weighing in on the Mosque/Cultural Center. It is not a local NY issue and never has been. Obama's entrance into the fray on Friday the 13th proves it is not a local issue. Nobody says NY cannot have a mosque like other cities in the US. The problem is the location and I don't think it is happenstance.

Anonymous said...

I support their right to religious liberty but this mosque is over the line and just as I can't build a Church wherever I please, they cant buld this mosque wherver they please, this must be stopped! And why are we letting so many muslim extremists immigrate here in the 1st place?

Anonymous said...

@Nicholas C.

I'm sorry good sir, but you are acting as the child in this argument. Follow the advice of your own religion and don't judge. It's an ugly color on anyone. Who cares if there's a Mosque in NYC? You sir, need to watch the NEWS. Al-Qaeda and Islam are not the same thing, although I feel you get your information from FOX News, which totally discredits anything you have to say.

And for future reference: when you argue, don't attack the person you're arguing with. You see, I saw your comment to Adam B. and it had not one intelligent factoid in it, but I'm sure you felt nice and good after attacking his intelligence. But here I am to attack your intelligence because you sir, are ignorant.

Anonymous said...

The first amendment protections can not be applied to any faith, group or organization that does not view it as equitable to all citizens of this country within their own practices. When Thomas Jefferson sat down and began his journey in to the writings and multiple editing’s of the Constitution, he turned to the Christian faith and his thoughts on natural order as a guide to put it all together. He believed that we are all born with specific rights that are naturally bestowed upon us by our creator. Thomas Jefferson was a follower of the Christian faith. This is something you all should have learned in Jr. High School.

The protections of the first amendment can not be applied to any religion or organization that does not practice equitable tolerance within its own belief system. Why you ask. Because, these religions and organizations can not honestly recognize the nature and value of the amendment and practice their beliefs at the same time.