Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dictators and Tyrants Around the World Wait for Omar Qaddafi’s Saddam Hussein Spider Hole Moment

By Nicholas Contompasis

“In mid-December of 2003 U.S. military forces flushed out the dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, from a spider hole in the central region of the country. The photos of an unshaven dirty old man flashed around the world in seconds. But, no one could have understood the importance of that moment until know. After eight years we have come to realize that the people of the region were watching and about to judge the West on how they proceeded in the Middle East.

The importance of the photo in that moment in time humanized Hussein, the once threatening tyrant that was responsible for so many atrocities upon neighboring countries and even his own people. The photo showed the people of Iraq and around the world that tyrants are just people, and they can be stopped.

Of course, what I’ve said has been written and talked about for years, but it’s only now we find just how important that moment was with an eminent downfall of Omar Qaddafi in Libya.

Now, with the Middle East in uprising over the dictatorial police states that have been ruling them for decades, the tribesmen of many of these countries know that they can be beaten.

The standoff by Qaddafi & Son is being closely watched by all peoples in all countries and is developing into another watershed moment in Middle Eastern history, such as Hussein’s spider hole moment.

For when Qaddafi and his son are eventually hung by their balls in downtown Tripoli, there will be no hiding for any tyrant around the world, and that includes North Korea and Iran.

Of course, there are many hurdles that must be bridged before any of this in the Middle East has stabilized. Some countries may drift towards the dark side, but most will legitimize their revolution with a workable Democracy and meld with the rest of the peace loving world. This will mean that slowly the world of tyrants and dictators who oppress their peoples will become even smaller and hopefully in the near future, will drift into the pages of history.”

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