What you heard today at the Benghazi whistle-blower hears
was only the tip of the iceberg. This president is using the Benghazi cover-up
as a way of saving his Presidency while gutting our military.
Remember, Obama’s agenda is the U.N.’s agenda and that is to
diminish all large threatening standing armies along with their nuclear
It could be said that Mr. Obama is well on his way to
dismantling our military and influence around the world. Historically this has
been done in many countries where the leader gradually consolidated power, it’s
happening now in America. – N.P.Contompasis
Obama has taken out the C for Christian out of Democrat. Now all they have left is Demo rat.
They have been chewing up our Constitution ever since. Think what it will be like when he stands before the Father who made him. No where to run. I guess the Churches can't blame Obama. They need to return to God, as they helped to vote him in.
Obama has taken out the C for Christian out of Democrat. Now all they have left is Demo rat.
They have been chewing up our Constitution ever since. Think what it will be like when he stands before the Father who made him. No where to run. I guess the Churches can't blame Obama. They need to return to God, as they helped to vote him in.
Obama has taken out the C for Christian out of Democrat. Now all they have left is Demo rat.
They have been chewing up our Constitution ever since. Think what it will be like when he stands before the Father who made him. No where to run. I guess the Churches can't blame Obama. They need to return to God, as they helped to vote him in.
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