Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hey Patriot's They're Singing About Us Now

Hey out there, they're singing songs about us now. Yes, you're the new hero's of America. Don't stop now, our founding fathers are listening and watching from far above, so keep it up America. You are the new patriots of the American spirit. God bless you all and stay strong and stay united.


Anonymous said...

This is a terrific and inspiring song worhty to be associated to our struggle to regain the government. We should all do our part to make sure that the policies of this administration will not carry on any longer. Long live the Tea Party Movement.

Anonymous said...


Nick said...

I love this song to death. Not only does the message of lost respect for our great nation come across but it screams for recognition for all classes of people, not just the wealthy. Love it.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Song! I think that it expresses so eloquently how many people in America feel. It is proud and strong as we Americans are, it screams regain the dignity of our country.

Anonymous said...

I got "chills" when I heard this song! I don't consider myself Republican, Democrat or anything else. I'm American! I want our country back, which means in part,more accountability from ALL citizens!