Sunday, May 29, 2011

President Obama’s Joplin Missouri Folly and the Tornado Disconnect

By Nicholas Contompasis

As the President got drunk in Ireland in a disgraceful attempt to connect with white Irish voters back home, the Midwest was being destroyed by hundreds of tornados, killing hundreds and displacing thousands.
But, I won’t bore you with the typical slam against the President for not returning to the U.S. to comfort and console the victims of this tragedy. I’ll just lay out the facts
One has to ask, would President Obama have returned from Europe if an F-5 tornado destroyed State Street in downtown Chicago? You bet he would’ve, in a Chicago minute. He would’ve returned because it’s where his base is, Illinois, New York and California. Apart from Illinois these states have no tornados to speak of, so why care, right?
Well, the President should care. For one, these are Americans that are being traumatized by 1,383 tornados so far this year with 519 killed, thousands wounded, even more displaced and $16 billion of damage. These people vote, these people get angry, these people feel firsthand the disconnect and lack of concern of this President.
The U.S. has lost almost three times (519) as many to tornados this year as U.S. troops killed (149) in Afghanistan. Yet, he blows them off as a mere headline in the Guardian or the New York Times. What this President doesn’t understand is that whenever a tornado hits a heartland town, it’s like a nuclear bomb being detonated. Its real, it’s personal and a President that looks the other way is committing a major folly. So far this year that makes 1,383 nuclear bombs exploding and destroying the heartland.
Maybe, these hundreds of thousands of citizens wouldn’t have voted for him, but the rest of the country is watching, especially the independents, and they don’t like what they see. They wonder would the President have reacted the same way if they were real nuclear bombs, hmmm.

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