Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Best of Nick on Facebook Part II

We all know that on the Muslim menu of who to kill first Jews are number one front and center! So, it’s no surprise that Google which is owned by Jews Larry Page and Sergey Brin, rejected the Obama Administration’s request to take down the 
anti-Islam movie trailer on YouTube which is part of Google.
The movie trailer has also been seen on Facebook the world’s largest social network and is a company that’s also owned by a Jew Mark Zuckerberg. It seems just a matter of time when Obama or even the Head of the Joint Chief’s will come calling.
The Left has for years described our Founding Fathers as wealthy mindless racists’ old men. But after watching the principles, they laid down over two hundred years ago at work this past week; they have skillfully drawn the line between tyranny and freedom. – N.P.Contompasis

It's official now the attack on our Libyan Consulate "WAS NOT" a spontaneous demonstration because of the anti-Islam movie trailer. It was a planned coordinated al Qaeda attack on U.S. territory. 
- N.P.Contompasis

We all know that on the Muslim menu of who to kill first Jews are number one front and center! So, it’s no surprise that Google which is owned by Jews Larry Page and Sergey Brin, rejected the Obama Administration’s request to take down the 
anti-Islam movie trailer on YouTube which is part of Google.
The movie trailer has also been seen on Facebook the world’s largest social network and is a company that’s also owned by a Jew Mark Zuckerberg. It seems just a matter of time when Obama or even the Head of the Joint Chief’s will come calling.
The Left has for years described our Founding Fathers as wealthy mindless racists’ old men. But after watching the principles, they laid down over two hundred years ago at work this past week; they have skillfully drawn the line between tyranny and freedom. – N.P.Contompasis

The Obama Administration keeps blaming riots on the anti-Islam movie trailer. But we really know why they refuse to admit the truth. It's because they are frightened little cowards. They are afraid of being killed by radical Islam. They are intimidated by the thuggery of Islam. They don't have the will to save themselves let alone the people they rule. - N.P.Contompasis

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