Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Executive Privilege - Obama and the Cover-up

President Obama today exerted his Executive Privilege over Attorney General Eric Holder’s refusal to release documents that could prove that the Presidents of the United States and Mexico were involved in the wholesale distribution of U.S. arms to Mexican drug cartels that helped kill thousands of people in Mexico and two U.S. law enforcement agents.
Whatever is in the documents, which President Obama is now protecting from Representative Darrell Issa’s congressional investigation, he’s willing to gamble with his Presidency. By taking this action the President is now implicating himself in the action and or cover-up that’s now infamously called Fast and Furious.
The fact that these Presidents have conspired to kill their own civilians by allowing Fast and Furious to be conceived and implemented could result in jail time or even the death penalty for both leaders. – N.P.Contompasis

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