Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Yemen President Blames Israel and the U.S. for Riots

"Most of my research points to the U.S. State Department and U.S. labor unions that are causing most of this unrest. Of course, a few million starved uneducated poor people could have something to do with it also." - Nicholas Contompasis

Responding to the anti-government demonstrations, Ali Abdullah Saleh, the President of Yemen stated, "The events in Tunisia and the Sultanate of Oman are managed from Tel Aviv and controlled from the White House in order to undermine the Arab world." He made the comments at a speech at the University of Sana'a.  
Demonstrators have been killed in clashes with Yemeni security forces. Saleh has been in power since 1990 and previous ruled as president of President of the Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen) since 1978.

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