Sunday, June 19, 2011

Wiener Connected to the Muslim Brotherhood - Weiner Sponsored Bill to Import "Hot Supermodels" - Found Wife and Muslim Brotherhood!

By Nicholas Contompasis

Ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner, who got into trouble by modeling his weeny on line, introduced legislation to make it easier for foreign fashion models to work in the United States.
Weiner co-sponsored the “Establishment of New Fashion Model Nonimmigrant Classification” bill in the House in November 2005.
The legislation was designed to help entry into the country by “a fashion model who is of distinguished merit and ability and who is seeking to enter the United States temporarily to perform fashion modeling services.”
In 2008, when Weiner’s started dating wife-to-be Huma Abedin was coming to light, the Washington Post’s Reliable Source column noted that Abedin had modeled for photos in Vogue magazine the year before and said:
“Model? Vogue? That sounds familiar. Weiner’s the one who introduced what we call the ‘hot supermodel bill’ ... that would establish a separate classification for fashion models and make it easier for those gorgeous creatures to work in the U.S.A. — in, say, Weiner’s district.”
Until he bowed to pressure and resigned on Thursday, Weiner represented a congressional district in New York City, the nation’s fashion capital.
Weiner wed Abedin, an aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in July 2010. His fashion model bill languished in committee.

More Disturbing Information on Weiner

The Muslim Brotherhood and Weiner

By Eileen F. Toplansky
Borrowed from The American Thinker - Thank You

Far more disturbing than the salacious details of Weiner's dalliances is the fact that apparently his mother-in-law is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Furthermore, Huma Abedin's brother, Hassan, "is listed as a fellow and partner with a number of Muslim Brotherhood members."  Hassan works at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS) at Oxford University.  The Egyptian Al-Azhar University, well-known for a curriculum that encourages extremism and terrorism, is active in establishing links with OCIS.
How is it that the Western media, with its hourly analyses of Weiner, missed this salient point, yet Arab news sources revealed this connection?  Walid Shoebat, formerly with the PLO, explains that Saleha Mahmoud Abedin, a professor in Saudi Arabia "belongs to the Sunni movement's women's division known as the Muslim Sisterhood."  During the recent uprising in Egypt, which resulted in Mubarak's removal, "a special women's unit within the Muslim Brotherhood served as 'mules' to deliver messages and acted as messengers for the terrorist group."
The Muslim Sisterhood is also known as the International Women's Organization (IWO) and members are located "across 16 different countries."  Its goal is to "work at all levels in accordance with the message of the Brotherhood."  The Muslim Brotherhood's goal is Islamic world domination and "[i]t is now public knowledge that nearly every major Muslim organization in the United States is actually controlled by the [Muslim Brotherhood] or a derivative organization.  Consequently, most of the Muslim-American groups of any prominence in America are now known to be, as a matter of fact, hostile to the United States and its Constitution."

This chart on page four of the Domestic Intelligence Briefing by Mark Hass shows the FBI - Identified Terror Networks connected to the Muslim Brotherhood in North America.
Which should now raise even greater concerns since Huma Abedin-Weiner is the deputy chief of staff to Hillary Clinton, the United States Secretary of State.  Did any vetting occur by Clinton's people concerning Huma Abedin, her brother Hassan, or her mother Saleha Mahmoud Abedin, and any connections with known Islamists, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood?
But then again, would it have troubled Mrs. Clinton?  After all, during her husband's time as President, she warmly embraced Suha Arafat the wife of Yasser Arafat, arch-terrorist, right after a speech during which Suha Arafat falsely accused Israel of poisoning the Palestinian water supply.
Huma's brother has "worked with Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal on a program of "spreading Islam to the west."  More intriguing is the fact that the Abedin family left Michigan for Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, around 1977, which is the same year that the Muslim Sisterhood was formed.
Couple this with the Clinton family playing a key role in promoting Fethullah Gulen who has worked assiduously to overthrow Turkey's secular government.  Gulen, who currently resides in Pennsylvania, has told his followers that in order for "worldwide Islamic domination to succeed, every method and path is acceptable, including lying to people." 
In March of this year, the FBI was investigating the more than 120 charter schools in the United States that are linked to Gulen's movement.  These schools, funded with millions of taxpayer dollars, promote Gulen's worldview that is both anti-Israel and anti-America.  In fact, in 2010 it was reported that Bill Gates had given almost 11 million dollars to the Cosmos Foundation, which is a Gulen enterprise.
Moreover, one needs to question why Huma Abedin, a member of a family of devout Muslims, would ever marry a Jewish Congressman -- in a ceremony officiated by Bill Clinton.  Sharia law clearly forbids Muslims from marrying non-believers, so what does this portend?
Furthermore, when Huma Abedin accompanied Hillary Clinton to the Dar El-Hekma women's college in Saudi Arabia, where Huma's mother is co-founder and vice dean, it was reported that "Hillary explained that Huma holds an important and sensitive position in her office."  Where was the scrutiny?
Why are so many at the highest levels of American government ignoring the methodology of Islamists like Gulen, who has declared that the best way to seize power is to lie in wait "with the patience of a spider" in order to "wait for people to get caught in the web"?  Is Clinton so naïve?
Thus, Huma Abedin's position with Clinton in the State Department, as well as her marriage to Representative Weiner, has given her enormous exposure "to state secrets and access to the inner workings of Congress."
This would be unsettling enough if it were not also for Obama's latest appointee.  The 44th president has just appointed Azizah al-Hibri to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom.  Al-Hibri believes that sharia law is superior to American law.  Yet, al-Hibri is only one of the pro-sharia adherents that Obama has placed in influential positions since he became president.  Dalia Mogahed was one of the earliest appointees and as Nonie Darwish has written, "[t]he empowerment of Radical Islam under the Obama administration" is extremely disturbing.
Last year, Obama appointed two devout Muslims to Homeland Security.  Obama's record concerning Islamic terror was alarming from the beginning of his term and it has only become more entrenched.  Congressman Keith Ellison aka Keith Hakim, who converted to Islam, is already in place in Congress.  His connections to CAIR are troubling.
Is the Weiner scandal really covering up a far more disturbing scenario whereby jihadists continue to infiltrate and influence American universities, military installations, homeland security, even local police forces, all while the press ignores the steady encroachment of these radicals who seek to overturn and destroy America?
The disgraceful indifference by the general press to Weiner's in-laws and their connections to the Muslim Brotherhood keeps eroding America's ability to rout those who wish to see her destroyed.
Fethullah Gulen has exhorted his followers to "move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing [their] existence until [they] reach all the power centers...until the conditions are ripe..."  Can America continue to close its eyes to this deliberate hibernation strategy of our enemies?

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