Another online scandal is brewing, and this time it’s puntastic! It seems Congressman Anthony Weiner may accidentally tweeted to his faithful Weiner-manics a photo of his own, thankfully clothed, wiener.The New York Congressman quickly deleted the tweet, but not before followers were able to click on the link to the yfrog image showing a male in grey boxes with an erect penis. After a short time the Twitter account belonging to a young lady and the yfrog image were also deleted. Weiner then tried to make light of the possible mistake by claiming his Facebook account was hacked:
Tivo shot. FB hacked. Is my blender gonna attack me next? #TheToasterIsVeryLoyal
about 16 hours ago via TweetDeckReplyRetweetFavorite
Anthony Weiner
Here is a screenshot of the image which is NOT SAFE FOR ANYONE TO SEE! (Note: For those who claim that Andrew Breitbart is making this up, this screenshot was taken by another independently of Breitbart.)
I knew he was a two headed dick.